Well what a lovely little snooze i had this morning. Had myself two apples today, for a little treat! Had my pint of water then mooched to docs to get my bloods taken. Get there and they dont do it on a wednesday! only a tuesday and thursday!! my doc must have been a bit up in the air when she told me to go today!
so this morning was super busy at workies, again didnt get a break - just meant more to eat at dinner time!
dinner was another mugshot, a yogurt and another two apples!
managed to drink my litre of water too.
this afty really annoyed me, i do stock at work and they had charged me things that wasnt what i ordered and what not, then other nurses wernt doing stuff and it just felt like im the only one that does anything! Had to go and tax my sisters new car too and i was just like a big ball of stress!! Was all set to go to the gym after work with the boyfriend but hes still poorly, so i decided i would go on my own, then from everything my head was poundinggggg! Then my sister text saying now her cars taxed we should go on a little drive tonight!!
so ill be honest, i didnt go to the gym! but i wish i had! felt super guilty!!!
popped to dads to drop sisters laptop off. had a alpen light! (HeB)
my neice was there and i had a spoon full of marshmallow fluff too!! not sure on syns?! and then two tiny orange and lemon dark choc truffels from morrisons!!!! arghhh!
Came home and cooked me and the boy a gorgeous tea.
Pork madallions, with steamed broccili, sprouts and carrots, a potato and turnip mash and roasted carrots, peppers, leek, mushrooms and tomatos. yumyum! all syn free! followed by mango, melon and pineapple and a yogurt!!
such a lovely tea!!
i then went on the drive with my sister. very proud big sister moment been in the car while she drove..shes a good little driver!!
just got back, boyfriend was eating some crisps!!!!! so i did too

a bag of mccoys (13syns!!!!) and another yogurt!!!
oh dear.
i really am going to try to force myself to the gym tomorrow. me and my friend were going to go to a boxercise class on friday but its been cancelled!! so am going to try go Friday too!! really need a loss this week yet yesterday and today were both high syns!!!!! going to try take a salad to work tomorrow! or might have a jacket potat with salad from the shops but thats more money!
Betty x