Diary of a VERY Determined Girl!

Another good little day on plan!
had a terrible nights sleep...kept waking myself up with very loud windy pops!!! how embarressing! thats what going back properly onto slimming world does to you! (either that or the veg was a smidge off!)
so for breakfast it was an apple and a yogurt, as need to buy more fruit pots tomorrow!
busy little day at work...managed 1 and a half litres of water! know its not ideal but its better than nothing!
for dinner i had a chicken and ham salad followed by a mango pot and a yogurt and an apple!


then i was in surgery all afternoon so running up and down the stairs!
after workies i was going straight to the pics with a friend to see 22 jump street! aw it is hilarious and i fancy the chunky pants off Jonah Hill!! (i know right..)
i had a tango ice blast which was 13 syns ( very proud of myself actually researching the syn value of things and planning ahead!!) got a regular even though the woman did try and tempt us with a large (its only an extra 30p!) but we resisted!


when I came home my gorgeous boyfriend had made me a yummy syn free tea! veg, potats and turkey steak!
trying to.upload pic but it wont!!!

then after i had a pineapple and an aero yogurt! total of todays syns 18! but i had 11 yesterday so its all good!

busy day tomorrow going shopping for my brothers birthday presents and my dads fathers day presents..and then friday going to see a psycic. on saturday itll be a year since my Grandma passed away so i'm hoping shes good! i know some people dont beleive in stuff like that but i do...even though some people just blag it haha.

Happy Slimming

Betty x
very quick as just got in after a busy day!
such an emotional mess today spent most of it crying just keep thinking this time last year this was happening and all that...i miss my Grandma..

anyway, breakfast was apple and a yogurt.
then i had an apple for snack.
dinner was chicken salad again with lots of superspeed and superfree. followed by yogurt and pear.
then I came home and boyfriend had bought and wrapped presents for the two little girls birthday parties we have...my overies litrally popped! he is amazing!
anyay busy afternoon and turned down birthday cake! drank my 2L of water too!

then tea was a subway chicken 6inch sarnie (2syns for mayo) and a chicken salad (3syns mayo)
followed by yoyo bears (yesterdays HeB!) fruit salad box a yogurt and some walkers pops! (4.5syns)


meaning my syns for the day is 9.5!

Happier Betty
Great to see you posting again, and I think it was good idea to start again with your new SW membership and your shiny new attitude :)

One question about yesterday though...? You mentioned a Subway sandwich with 2 syns for the mayo. What about the bread? I don't think their wheat bread counts as a HEXB so I think you might have to syn it?
Great to see you posting again, and I think it was good idea to start again with your new SW membership and your shiny new attitude :)

One question about yesterday though...? You mentioned a Subway sandwich with 2 syns for the mayo. What about the bread? I don't think their wheat bread counts as a HEXB so I think you might have to syn it?

thank you! im happy to be posting again! hahaa
awss sugar i thought it did!!!!!
Betty x
Breakfast was a pear and a yogurt!
I had such a busy day at workies didnt manage to have my apple till 12 and i finish at 1!
After work I went to get the shopping in...I'm still trying to use up my syns and bought a load of ryvita minis (HeB) yoyobears (Heb) and walkers pops (4.5)

I had dinner and it was lovely! Chicken tikka salad with yogurts, mango and ryvitaaa. Lovelyyyy.


4.5 for the lot. Even bought a bottle of water to keep me strong through the weekend!

Went and seen the psycic, she was okay..Grandma was mentioned a bit but it was mainly about the boyfriend and how good our life is! Ha was cushty.

Then we went for a walkies with papabear along the beach! An hours walk!
Got home about 10ish and we hadnt had tea..boyfriend wanted chinese sooo i got boiled rice! Had it with ready to eat chicken, sweetcorn, ham, and gravy! (2syns) followed by yogurt, mini milk (1.5syns) ND more pops! (4.5)

Syns for the day... 12.5!

Betty x
Super quick post as I have to little girlies to look after!
Woke up at half six...HALF BLOOMIN SIX!!! was thinking all about my Grandma.
Had breakfast...a cuppa (HeA) and some mango, a yogurt, apple and ryvita minis (HeB)


Then the boyfriend has some.digestives and i had 4!!! Eeek.................16syns!

Anywhoo got ready and got my two neices..took them to a party and thry loved it! Then we went to my dads as its my brothers birthday on Monday but hes working away tomorrow so we had a mini party for him today...foxs biscuit (6syns) and a slice of cake (8syns) went down my gob!

After all that the boyfriend cooked us a syn free spag bol!

Ive also had a can of monster zero to help keep me awake for the match tonight!!!

30 syns today but weekly syns are 92.5!

So low syn day tomorrow or syn free!!

Off to let off lanterns in memory of Grandma

Betty x


That was my syn free snacks for the match last night..after that I fell asnooze! Ha! Oops!

Woke up this morning at 6.30!!! Ewfff. Before the kids!!
Read my book and then at 9.30 heard the littlest one creeping about so we sat and ate pineapple.


Then i made them a bacon sarnie and i had a bacon, egg and mushroom one (HeB) with 2syns worth of salad cream!

They had made icelollies with sugar free orange and strawberries! Yummy and syn free!


Then we had to take the kids home and see the boyfriends familyy. After that we went home and had a subway salad. 3syns. With a can of monsterr as i was shattered!!


Then we went to my dads and i had some syns! About 10!

Then we came home and had teaaaa.


Nervous for tomorrow as first ever time ive purposly used up all my syns and my HeA and HeB!!!

if its a gain i know where ive gone wrong!

Betty x
But using your syns and your Healthy Extras is how the plan's supposed to work....it's certainly how I've lost almost 4 stones since the middle of January!

I hope you get a good result tomorrow :) x
But using your syns and your Healthy Extras is how the plan's supposed to work....it's certainly how I've lost almost 4 stones since the middle of January!

I hope you get a good result tomorrow :) x

Well done! Thats amazing losing 4stone in 6month! I just think cause ive never done it this way before and if ive gained ill be like erghh! Like ive never went out my way to have syns like actually buy stuff in the flat that are syns if that makes sence! Haha, we will see what scales say tomorrow! Eeek xxxx