Hey lovey! Good luck! I have just Started slimming world, I was 23 stone last year, and now I'm 19 stone 7 lbs, all I did was start the gym, still ate crap though!!! And now I'm stuck can't get below 19!!! Grrr!!! So you going the gym and eating clean, your going to do amazing!!! Can't wait to see how you do!!! Xxxx
Hey! poping by to subscribe, im restarting (first weigh in is on Thursday!) and im only just a tad lighter than you so hopefully we can offer a bit of mutual support along the way. Good luck hun xx
Love the little mermaid pic, so true. Just wish I was that skinny in December,Lol.
How has the morning of the last day of the year gone which i decided was a good day to restart this diet? terrible. who restarts slimming world on the 31st of December please?! I woke up, craving crisps ( we still have synful food in the flat - must get rid of ASAP) and managed not to eat any. Took my tablets (thyroxine & pill) with a swig of coke zero ( no fizzy drinks soon!) and i have came to my mam and dads to help my dad with his computer. Basically i have just entered a sweet grotto. Made me and dad a cuppa ( full fat milk) and i greedily devoured TWO mint rockys. So i have decided, i am going back to what i was originally going to do and starting 100% on plan on the 2nd. its a lot easier when i am at work as in routine and dont just eat for the sake of eating. I genuinly havnt felt hungry since christmas eve..now thats saying something..greedy pig. When i get back to flat going to get all the christmas goodies everyone has so kindly bought me ( not thinking about my waistline) and either chuck them or eat them ( depending on there delisciousnessss). REFUSE to have take away tonight as will soon be sweating grease.
I am wondering when this 7 and a half pounds snook up on me though, as i put on my black jeans this morning (inspire range, newlook of course) they felt snug. and there usually quite baggy. i last wore them on Saturday. SO i think the 7.5 pounds came on at the weekend when i has two dominos pizzas, two mcdees, and two subways....yes.....that should do it. Oh well, that greedy part of me is getting ready to waddle off tonight! as i say goodbye to 2013, i shall also be saying goodbye to 'big-betty' and hello to ' by-youve-lost-weight-betty'
Happy New year everyone! heres to a skinny one!!
Betty x
hey! aw thank you! i used to hammer the gym before, and that helped me lose it, but then i realised i lost more in a week when i just ate right, its weird! but then i got lazy and just relied on eating right which i was doing about 60% of the time and so the fat slowly wobbled its way back on! Going to make sure i gym/swim to keep me going! ahh man, its horrible been stuck in a weight rut! have you tried altering your diet a smidge? (presuming your doing sw?!) Betty x
Hi Betty, happy new year to you too, I am also starting sw world for the umpteenth time, am definitely subscribing to this post!
Yes!! Started slimming world on Sunday!!! It's going good so far, still gonna go the gym too, hoping both together will be an unbeatable combination!!! My first weigh in on Sunday!!! X
Ive got loads of chocolates and sweet that were given as christmas gifts so going to eat them all today and begin the plan tomorrow.
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hahahaha great minds and all that jazz!
Betty x
No point in wasting them
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Just a thought instead of eating or throwing away all of your chocolates (and even crisps etc that you wouldnt usually buy but have because its christmas) why not donate them to somewhere that would appreciate them, a local hospital, food bank, old folks home, homeless shelter or other organisation. This way the food isnt wasted, you arent eating things you dont really want and you are also making someone else happy.
We do this at easter too![]()