Silver Member
Well done
don't worry...things have usually blown over by the morning. I'd say she's has had time to cool down and all will be ok 
Jaly said:Well done on the loss Mrs. G! I'm really sorry to hear that things are so awkward and there's so much tension at home,I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be especially not wanting to go home to see your own family! I really hope things sort themselves out as soon as possible because you don't deserve to feel the way you do and to have what could've been a lovely day spoiled by selfishness and probably misunderstandings/assumptions or jumping to wrong conclusions xx
Take care, I hope you manage to have a good day today despite how pissed off you probably feel, take some time to chill! I think a bath with your kindle and a fudge is probably on the cards for this evening
It's so difficult though because although I hate to admit it, if I was in her situation, I'd probably act in the same way, shut myself in my room and while I'd secretly be longing for people to come and give me some attention, when they do probably deny it and pretend to still be really angry/annoyed.. lol, must just be a teenage mentalityStories from your perspective make me think a lot about how my behaviour and mood affects other people though so I'm really grateful
Hazykay said:I'm a step mum too but there is no contact with the girls. A very long story but lets just say we have had to call the police!! I was always the target, even when I was pregnant with my son. I know for a fact that the guy that their mum left my hubby for (who is now their step dad), they make life horrendous for him too. They post vile comments about him on Twitter. Being a step parent is not easy as it doesn't matter what you do, you will always be an 'outsider'.
An adult living in their own home should not be subjected to any kind of abuse and I know that a lot of it is down to maturity. My hubbys oldest is now 24 and is still obsessed with trying to meddle and interfere with our lives. The trouble that has been caused is horrendous and other family members have disowned them.
I know what it's like, it's not something that I talk about and I can't believe I am opening up on a diet forum about a part of my life that is so personal and private but I just want you to know that I totally understand what it's like to be a target.
We went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago, I don't know if you remember that I bought that blue dress for it. Anyway, we left early as Hubby was leaving home at 4am to go down south to work. The 2 girls were there later (we left before they arrived) and the youngest posted a comment about how it made her day when her Dads wife looked like a tranny. I was SO upset and cried for the full day. They didn't see what I wore, it was just down right badness. The only thing I have ever done wrong in their eyes was marry their Dad. If that's a sin well, guilty as charged!! I don't want them to know that I know and I was upset as they will know they had got to me.
Please try and be strong, I know it's difficult and the comments cut right through to the heart, but try and not let it show. Easier said than done, I know. I really feel for you, it's not easy. You can't help who you fall in love with xxxx
Jaly said:Ergh.. no offence but even I'm not that bad and I can be a proper cow at times, lol!
She sounds like she needs to grow up and stop being so immature :/ it seems to me as if she's trying to emotionally blackmail you and make you feel guilty for her feeling the way she does which is probably a result of her attention seeking and not down to anything you said :/ It must be really difficult especially as you're only her stepmother (please don't take any offence to that) but I mean, my 'step-dad' I will NOT do as he says if he's telling me to do something from an adult's perspective because I don't really see him as a figure who has authority over me, in fact i think it might be an act of spite but i'm more likely to do something that someone in the street tells me to do than something he tells me to do.. sure if he asks for help or for a favour i have no problem lending a hand but if he tells me that I need to be in at a certain time or to tidy my room or to stop arguing with my sis or w/e, i tell him to get stuffed and that he isn't my Father, never will be and has no right to tell me what to do.. fortunately, I'm quite quick-witted and he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed so I can just shove in a couple of big words into my side of the argument and he ends up contradicting himself or the best he can say is "whatever" lol - I know I probably should show him more respect but i've had a tough time with my Father and with my Mum's ex's and so to be told what to do by her partner is something I just will not tolerate because I feel like he's trying to act like my Dad
Hazykay said:I'm a step mum too but there is no contact with the girls. A very long story but lets just say we have had to call the police!! I was always the target, even when I was pregnant with my son. I know for a fact that the guy that their mum left my hubby for (who is now their step dad), they make life horrendous for him too. They post vile comments about him on Twitter. Being a step parent is not easy as it doesn't matter what you do, you will always be an 'outsider'.
An adult living in their own home should not be subjected to any kind of abuse and I know that a lot of it is down to maturity. My hubbys oldest is now 24 and is still obsessed with trying to meddle and interfere with our lives. The trouble that has been caused is horrendous and other family members have disowned them.
I know what it's like, it's not something that I talk about and I can't believe I am opening up on a diet forum about a part of my life that is so personal and private but I just want you to know that I totally understand what it's like to be a target.
We went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago, I don't know if you remember that I bought that blue dress for it. Anyway, we left early as Hubby was leaving home at 4am to go down south to work. The 2 girls were there later (we left before they arrived) and the youngest posted a comment about how it made her day when her Dads wife looked like a tranny. I was SO upset and cried for the full day. They didn't see what I wore, it was just down right badness. The only thing I have ever done wrong in their eyes was marry their Dad. If that's a sin well, guilty as charged!! I don't want them to know that I know and I was upset as they will know they had got to me.
Please try and be strong, I know it's difficult and the comments cut right through to the heart, but try and not let it show. Easier said than done, I know. I really feel for you, it's not easy. You can't help who you fall in love with xxxx
Hazykay said:The joys of being a step parent!! I don't want to take over Mrs G's diary, I just want her to know I understand.
Step children can really make life hard, but we have feelings too. Yes we get hurt, yes we cry, we are human after all.
We are not trying to be a replacement for their real parents, we try and do whats best because we care and don't want them to come to any harm but it can get thrown back in your face. Tantrums can be dealt with, but when it gets personal its more difficult to deal with xx
Jaly said:I have so much respect for you both it's unreal xx You two are both seriously so strong emotionally for going through what you have and currently still do and you're both truly inspirational.
Hazel, your story brought a tear to my eye, you're both beautiful both inside and out and shouldn't let anything anyone says get to you xx I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be for you both and I don't think I'd be able to manage as well as you both do - I admire you so much for sharing such a personal thing too :X
mrsgosling3 said:So today's food was bad
B - cereal bar - 2pp
L - cheese ploughmans - 11pp and monster munch - 3pp
D - Indian - pointed at 26pp - chicken tikka shaslik, korma, rice and naan with Bombay potatoes and salad with sauce. Do you think this is enough as I shared the portions with my hubby
Snacks - 9 quality street - 10pp
1 pack blackberry fruit suits - 1pp
53pp - 28 dailies used and 24 weeklies remaining.