My hubs taken my daughter to drama and then he'll do the shopping with son too. So home alone!
I've got an appt booked for gel nails refill and eyebrow threading at 4pm today and nothing else planned. I should probably do a bit of laundry and housework but my throat is still sore and I'm just TIRED!
So, I'll stay in bed. Still no telly as the UPC guy called yesterday and said he was 30min away. I was annoyed because if he'd phoned in the morning, I would've been home but I was about 1hr away and he wouldn't wait. Bugger. So he said he'd have to put us back on the waiting list for an installation which means no xfactor again this week
Anyway, I collected my son from a friends birthday party and the mum of the birthday boy was asking all about how I lost weight, how much etc. I've been very vague and just said watching what I ate, low carbs. It was nice for someone to notice. People at work have noticed, but they're fairly discrete and probably wouldn't comment unless it was a very noticeable amount. Also, if you see someone daily you tend not to notice where if you see them less often, the weight loss is more noticeable.
I had my cold strawb shake this morning, coffee and working through my 1st L of water. I think I'll pick up some aquaban in town today as I feel really bloated. Though I dont get TOTM anymore, I do get some symptoms as I still have my ovaries.
I am only 4lbs away from the November stone challenge so I'm sure I can do that in the next 11 days until Nov 30. Then onto the next stone for December which would be:
Now: Nov 20: 12st 12.6lbs
Nov 30: 12st 8.6lbs (-4 more lbs/11 days)
Dec 31: 11st 8.6lbs HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?
I still think of weight in kg as that's the scale I have so 11st 8.6lbs is 162.6lbs or 73.75kg. Looking back, that's the weight I was when I went in for surgery (the one that I nearly died from) in March 2008. My weight in teh months after the surgery fell to 65kg or 10st 3lbs but it was really sickly looking as I was so sick.
Anyway, I'm goign to get off here and rest, read my book and maybe chillax.. Must set an alarm to get up at 2.45 adn have a shower and get dressed. My hairdresser (who is also a friend) hasn't seen me since I lost any weight so I must wear something small to impress her!