Diary of a yummy mummy wannabe: From poppy seed to birth

Hi am going to join as well (if that's ok?) I got bfp 4 weeks ago and am going for a scan on Friday as am not sure of my dates (think last period was April :0) I think am only about 7/8 weeks though. I've put a stone on since April and really want to keep it to a minimum as with my last baby I put on 3 stone and hated every minute of being pregnant and after as felt fat not pregnant. I loved my first pregnancy as I didn't put on much weight and had a lovely bump. Am going try to loss some of this stone and need to find some sort of diet that will work with pregnancy am also considering going back to spin class.

Anyhow I hope we all have a healthy/happy pregnancy.
The more the merrier!! So far I've managed to maintain my weight at between 85-86 kg but ideally would like to lose a bit once I start slimming world as I've been feeling super tired and out of breath just from walking and I've not even got a bump yet!

Kellie - hope you're feeling less panicky, hopefully it is all going well - they say all pregnancies are different :)
I still aint feeling great i am going to see the doctor tonight and see if he can refer me to the early pregnancy unit as i need to know whats going on as it is driving me mad hooefully if i csn get him to refer me i can go tomorrow morning and then the can either scan me or do horomone level tests i will let you all know what the doctor says later
Kellie mum of 4 said:
I still aint feeling great i am going to see the doctor tonight and see if he can refer me to the early pregnancy unit as i need to know whats going on as it is driving me mad hooefully if i csn get him to refer me i can go tomorrow morning and then the can either scan me or do horomone level tests i will let you all know what the doctor says later

Fingers crossed Kellie, hope you get the referral and everything is ok.
At the minute am doing nothing am just "trying" to bd good although not getting far need to start but nausea is killing me and when I feel ok I seem to eat crap :(
Hi i had a scan at the early pregnancy unit they said it looks like i am only about 5 weeks pregnant so they couldnt say whether everything is ok or not although they said there is a bleed next to the sac so i can expect some bleeding and they told me i have to go back in 2 weeks when they will be able to tell me more as by then there should be a heart beat. Hope you other two ladies are ok
Hi hope everything goes well for you am sure it's s worrying time for you. I have my early dating scan on Friday morning looking forward to knowing how far along I am and when an due.

Take care and try not to worry
Thanks for your kind words it does worry me abit as i should be 6 weeks but i am trying to cling on to maybe i ovulated abit late but i got my bfp 2 weeks and 1 day ago so that would have put it a very early positive about 8 days past ovulation if there date is right so i dont think it is that positive but hopefully i will know more in 2 weeks time good luck for friday keep us informed x
first timer said:
Hi hope everything goes well for you am sure it's s worrying time for you. I have my early dating scan on Friday morning looking forward to knowing how far along I am and when an due.

Take care and try not to worry

Hope your scan goes well. I can't wait for mine but still have 4 weeks to wait as I'm not having one till 12 weeks...

Hope you both have a good rest of the week x
Hi am just home from my scan and am 9 weeks 3 days and due April 8th. The great news is I'll get another scan in couple weeks for my booking in.

Hope you girls are doing well
Glad your scan went well how exciting that you got to see your little one :)

I am not too bad although i have started to bled a little bit although she did say that i might i am just going to have to wait until the scan on the 18th and just hope for the best although i dont hold out much hope to be honest but you never know