Once again updating a day late – how dare work get in my way of recording my ramblings on Minimins!!!
Another good day yesterday both food wise and feeling wise bar a sore head!! Thinking it may have been a caffeine withdrawal as I had been having 6-7 cups coffee a day but the day before I only had 1 cup and then drank 300cl of water (no idea what that is in any other terms). Better today as again I had 2 cups coffee but 375cl water so I am being well & truly flushed and been to the loo countless times of which I am thinking I may put towards my body magic – would that be allowed?!! I am now having to walk through a workshop, through some office space and up a flight of stairs to get to the loos where before the move I was about 50steps away – all in all I probably walk about 10mins to & from the toilets all day!!! Maybe more depending on what I drink or how dodgy the belly is!!!!
Syns for Day 13.5
Syns for Week 22
B – 2 x Scrambled Eggs; Splash Milk (0.5); Apple
S – Apple; 2 x Yellow Plums
L – Tomato; Cucumber; Cold Ham; Asda CBY Wholemeal Pitta (HEx B)
S – Apple
D – Chilli – EL Mince; Tin Tomatoes; Peppers; Boiled Rice; RF Cheese (HEx A); Beans; Chilli Mix (1.5); RF Sour Cream (2)
S – Flump (3); Snack a Jacks (4.5)
Drinks – 2 x Coffee; 375cl Water; Fudge Hot Choc Drink (2)
Syns for Day 13.75
Syns for Week 35.25
B - B – 2 x Scrambled Eggs; Splash Milk (0.5); Apple
S – Apple; Yellow Plum
L – Tomato; Cucumber; Cold Ham; Light Choices Fruit Cottage Cheese (1.5); Dark Ryvita x 4 (HEx B)
S – Satsuma
D – Turkey; Boiled Potatoes; Steam Veg; So Juicy Garlic (1.25)
S – Choc Phillie (4.5); Snack a Jacks (4.5)
Drinks – 2 x Coffee; After Dinner Tea; 150cl Water; Options (1.5) + SS Milk (HEx A)
I have my mum and wee cuz up visiting this weekend but I have planned my food for then and all I need to do is keep the snacking under control and I should be good to on at WI on Tuesday