Its been a tough week, hubby was away mon-fri. Bedtime with 2 is hard (how do you manage 5?!) but we've survived and he's home now, hooray!! She's sleeping really well, mainly just one night feed - got her immunisations next week so I'm expecting it all to change, been lucky so far! I know, I've been really lucky it's coming off quickly. I'm surprised, but I really don't have time to eat rubbish if I don't get it in my big shop. I used to walk to the shop with babyB to get chocolate whilst I was pregnant but it's too much effort getting them both out the door just for chocolate! I think I'm getting sugar withdrawals though, I've had horrendous headaches this last week.How's your week going b? I can't believe how quickly you're shedding the baby weight! Jealousy consumes me hehe! You'll be ready for another in no time lol. Is she sleeping well? X
Its been a tough week, hubby was away mon-fri. Bedtime with 2 is hard (how do you manage 5?!) but we've survived and he's home now, hooray!! She's sleeping really well, mainly just one night feed - got her immunisations next week so I'm expecting it all to change, been lucky so far! I know, I've been really lucky it's coming off quickly. I'm surprised, but I really don't have time to eat rubbish if I don't get it in my big shop. I used to walk to the shop with babyB to get chocolate whilst I was pregnant but it's too much effort getting them both out the door just for chocolate! I think I'm getting sugar withdrawals though, I've had horrendous headaches this last week.
Forget that 1 night feed, she's changed in last couple of days, she's not a happy girlYou're doing brilliantly. Going from 1 to 2 is hard work. I remember it well. By the time you get to 5 you realise you can't do it all and doing what you can is ok. I'm missing chocolate too. I'm being sooooo good right now. 1 night feed is amazing! I have a snacker. I wonder who she gets that from. Lol.
Forget that 1 night feed, she's changed in last couple of days, she's not a happy girlTired..
I have also had a horrific 4 days food wise, although an enjoyable 4 days apart from the sleep deprivation!! I think it's likely I've put the last 2 weeks loses back on! I've got 2 days to be EXTREMELY good before wi!!!
Hi Nikki! Thank you! How are you doing? How is Millie? X
That does sound like an effort!! Have you always had to lay with her to get her to sleep? It won't last forever, enjoy the cuddles (exhausting though they are!!)Millie is such a cheeky chops and at 18.5months old she is getting cheekier by the day!! Can not seem to put her to bed and her fall asleep alone though which is a pain because it means she wants to fall asleep on me every night and then I have to move her and it's such effort that then I just want to go to bed! How are your gorgeous babies?
That does sound like an effort!! Have you always had to lay with her to get her to sleep? It won't last forever, enjoy the cuddles (exhausting though they are!!) My two are doing well. Little miss had her immunisations this week and has been a bit unsettled, screaming for no reason which is not like her, she's usually very chilled. BabyB is his usual cheeky self - we are trying to be a bit stricter as he is testing the boundaries with us. Love this age though, he's so gorgeous and cuddly!! X
Is it the same for naps too? Hopefully she'll start going down on her own in her new room. You know it won't last forever xThis is the problem, she has always had to snuggle to sleep. She would never fall to sleep if I just laid her in her cot, no matter how tired she was! It's not so bad because she isn't a screamer when tired but she knows when it's between 7.30 and 8 that she wants to go upstairs so she drags me up lol We have just moved house today and her room is a much more chilled atmosphere so I'm hoping it will get her into a routine. Aww they sound both adorable! I know what you mean about jabs though, millie was a little monkey after hers, screaming all the time! Cx
Mon 1st
Break: yog and bran flakes (heb)
Lunch: wm pitta with cheese tomato and salad cream (hea heb 3 syns)
Dinner: pasta with broccoli and cheese (hea)
Advent choc 2 syns
Tues 2nd
Break: banana
Lunch: 2x scrambled egg with beans and cheese (hea)
Dinner: homemade pitta pizza and salad (hea hebx2) 2 syns El Mayo advent choc 2 syns
I have no idea, I just put 2 down as I hadn't checked! Lol! Thought I'd overcompensate!!! You should've seen my dinner, thought I'd make some sw chips too - babyB wasn't interested so I had a mamouth portion!!! I'm really not doing that well, the days that aren't there are where I've been naughty.... Christmas is going to wreck me!!!Is an advent choc really 2 syns. That seems loads for a tiny chocolate. Homemade pizza sounds lush. You're doing really well b.
I have no idea, I just put 2 down as I hadn't checked! Lol! Thought I'd overcompensate!!! You should've seen my dinner, thought I'd make some sw chips too - babyB wasn't interested so I had a mamouth portion!!! I'm really not doing that well, the days that aren't there are where I've been naughty.... Christmas is going to wreck me!!!
I've always eaten large portions on sw and it's worked it just worries me that my body has change after the baby. I'm hoping for a sts this week or maybe a 1lb loss of I'm really lucky!My portions are big too but I'm convinced it helps. All my losers in group eat like horses so I'm following suit lol.
Is it the same for naps too? Hopefully she'll start going down on her own in her new room. You know it won't last forever x
eeeek! I'm dreading the day babyB stops napping! She can obviously fall asleep by herself if she does when she's really tired in the day. You'll get there. Well done on the new job!She never naps lol and when she decides she wants to she just sits down and falls asleep. I've started a new job which is just 4 hours a day so I'm hoping it will help us to get into a routine x