Hello ladies!!!
I have had a MANIC day!!!! Last night, omg, babyB awake literally every hour from 7-11pm then awake 2.30-4, then awake at 6.30am fit the day...!!! I was exhausted this morning, and I've not stopped all day!! Anyway, I managed to have dinner, but this is me finally sitting down for the day - although im not sitting, I've come straight to bed!!!!
Fiona, I hope Isobel's rash has gone down. BabyB had a rash today I thought it was the same as he had a couple of weeks ago, but thinking about, it's probably heat rash!! He doesn't seem that bothered by it, but I just think his poor little skin looks awful
Cake, yeah it's much cooler today - more overcast like you said!! BabyB has been less grumpy today, and he's napped really well (typical, I've been out and my mums looked after him, although that was good as she cleaned for me

!!! ) Food wise I've not had time to cook today so it's just been simple things, heat actually doesn't stop me from eating, ever!!! Lol!!! I don't understand people who say sunny weather makes them less hungry - bizzare!!! Hope your lot are all doing ok with the heat. I bet it's beautiful where you are. More importantly, hope your coping ok!!
CC, totally understand, your dogs are just as important too!!! That's horrible that they're being sick too

Hope they feel better soon!!