Something nice did happen over Christmas though, I saw an auntie I hadn't seen since the day before I started this back in April, and she said she could tell I'd lost loads of weight

Which is still 3 ish stone even with the gain, so that cheered me up momentarily.
And while I'm on about telling about weight I can totally tell I've put this back on, so how the hell did I not notice it going on in the first place? Jeans are a bit tighter, everything generally feels... flabbier, and my neck and face were shrinking nicely and now I can see it creeping back out again a bit.
I remember losing lots in my first week, does that work when you restart too? Wouldn't mind being rid of 4 of these pounds as soon as!
I might as well admit to what went wrong- I got cocky once I got into my routine during my PGCE placement. Basically, I wasn't eating during the day- there just wasn't the time, and the department didn't really make a point of lunch so I just worked through. So then initially what I was eating in the evening was causing me to still lose weight, but then I was eating more and more in the evenings, just stuffing it in between planning lessons and before I knew it my capacity to eat LOTS was back, which I'd worked really hard to get rid of.
And then I've just done a week of Christmas eating, got back from my parents' today so thought I'd take today as the first day- had all of my points and am still starving! I know this will go away but not for a while. Fortunately I have the best part of a week to pay proper attention to what I eat before I go to my new placement school. I do intend to sort my eating out for that school, whether or not I end up having lunch every day I know what to watch out for in the evenings.
Wow, that was a bit of a long post. It could've probably been longer but I'll leave it there for now!