Yay Saturday - and OH working all weekend. He proudly annouced last night that he is under 16 stone and dead pleased with himself. He is on average losing a lb per day! Terrific!
Dont get me wrong - am very pleased for him, but deep down am more than a little jealous he is losing at 1 per day when i dont loose much more than that in a week - oh well, slow and steady wins the race!
Last night went out for christys leaving dinner, I drove so diet cola all the way

For the meal there was very little in the way of healthy meals, so went ee. Had Beef cheek and mash with salad. Had seen jamie oliver cook beef cheek the other day, never had it before - was nice. The potato was really mushy with some lumps in it and i think they put cream in it, and could really taste it (having been making my mash with skim milk no butter since i first joined sw way back in 04!) The fact that they were v busy meant that we had to wait nearly an hour for our meals so by the time it turned up i was so hungry i didnt care bout the lumpy creamy mash and cleared my plate! Luckily we were so busy nattering and laughing, nobody even suggested dessert.
They all think i am completely wierd walking my dogs every day esp as we have a big back yard, apparently most australians dont walk their dogs. Am wishing i did not hear this cos i might use this in the future to be lazy and not go out with them! Must stay strong!
Anyway overall yesterday was good. have guestimated syns for creamy mash and the gravy and am now upto 104.5 syns. Have sat and sun to go on minimal syns - this is going to be tricky!
My plan: Today Going to a 7 year old's birthday party - unfortunately adults wont be allowed on the bouncy castle

so am going to have to act like an grown up! Party is at 11.30 so will go do a exercise dvd in a mo and have my lunch around 11.15 - omelette again. Will stay well away from the buffet table esp the cocktail sausages! Tea is chicken salad with jacket potato. am gonna have it as a red day so i can have 2 lots of cheese for my hexa for omelette and jacket spud, b's are porridge made with water with banana and i will wiegh my spud - i may even cook off a bit of chicken to have in my omelette.
My plan for sunday is to staple my mouth shut!
Fruit stocks are getting low but am not planning to go shopping till tuesday - like i said, its gonna be tricky!!
Right! c'mon divina, time to get exercising