It's the last day of my fortnight off-plan and I'm 'celebrating' with an enormous rum and diet coke.
I had a lovely holiday with lots of sunshine and time to clear my head and think. I really feel more on top of life and my goals now, including making my life simpler and also moving on to develop my friendships and career, as well as building a super healthy lifestyle long-term.
Food-wise, it wasn't too bad. I managed to eat only when I was hungry, generally stopped before I was really stuffed, and just generally didn't go crazy. It was hard to get enough fruit and veg in Spain as they don't really seem to go in for it, and also their salads come drenched in mayonnaise. But I did my best and focused on filling up on lots of fish and healthy olive oil. I also ate bread at most meals, but I stuck to small portions and had it instead of Free carbs like pasta and potato.
The booze was a different matter! Three drinks most days, but it was worth it.
I did a decent amount of exercise - three lots of 100 lengths of the very small pool, and two good swims in the sea, though not much walking as it was very hot and it's not really a walking sort of area.
Have to say that even though I felt a little bloated by the end of the week, it was an absolutely fantastic feeling to be able to a) put on a bikini and stroll along the beach and feel that I looked good and be proud of how I looked and b) glance at myself in a shop window wearing a sundress and not see a big bulging stomach - still surprises me every time!
Overall, I think I gained 2-3lb, though it's hard to tell as I have my period which brings water weight. I'll find out on Tuesday evening. Overall I think I still have 4lb to lose til I'm happy. I've decided my ultimate goal is to be 10 st 7lb on my home scales naked in the morning. that's 3lb below the top of my healthy BMI band, which gives me some leeway for holidays and so on. I'm going to change my goals on here so that they reflect this and the point where I started on my own scales, not SW's in the evening.
Back on plan tomorrow with an eggy bread breakfast, fish for lunch, lentil salad for dinner and lots of fruit