silencemylips said:DAY 18
Not sure if its from being ill or what but as I went up two flights of stairs I felt EXHAUSTED! I'm hoping it is just from being ill or that is some seriously bad fitness levels. Managed to sleep really well last night and woke up feeling a lot better. Due to being in the house for the past 3 days I lost track of my days, mahh, thinking it was friday and I was one day closer to weigh in! That was a little deflating to say the least.
I've been a little worried about next week. I'm going away on a days training with work and we usually have a 2 or 3 course lunch a long with morning and afternoon snacks. I can easily miss the snacks but the lunch is set and I don't want to sit there like a goon while the plates come and not eat any of it. It's on a thursday and it's likely this meal which usually consists of something along the lines of chicken, spinach and roast potatoes and a little slice of chocolate torte along with irresistible bread on the table. It's a long day, waking up around 5.30 and not coming home till about 7/8pm. I think I'm going to have to have the meal but wondered if anyone has had a day off 3 days prior to weigh in and whether it's made them gain/sts?
silencemylips said:Been wanting food so badly today, I have images of a lovely chargrilled chicken kebab and thick slices of white crusty bread with butter. Oh and chocolate. Wtf!? Need to stop it now!
I'm dying here thinking of all these foods!
I nearly ate a flippin babybel!
WillpowerWoman said:Noooo drink more water and di something anything to distract yourself!!! Bath walk book (even cleaning lol) how many days in r u? X
silencemylips said:Today's my 19th day. Just want something tasty tbh, getting to the point were food packs aren't favoured and so I can't be bothered to eat them. I went without my last shake last night :/
silencemylips said:Apart from the odd cup of tea with whole milk (when I was ill) and a lick of a lollipop I've been 100%. I honestly didn't think I'd get this far being that good, last time round I was so bad I'd cheat every weekend then be good for the rest of the week. I think I'm just so disgusted with my body and I really want to start living my life, I want to go on holiday and wear less clothing instead of leggings with everything. I am currently dying though, I want some good food so bad!
The forum helps a lot and I do have to struggle with my urges to just eat a lot, I feel like I'm retraining my brain, because one half of me wants to get skinny asap and one half just wants to eat every ****ing thing!
You'll get there Lauren, just push on through, the quicker you get to goal the faster you're off these shakes and able to treat yourself. I'm just dreading that after this I'm going to have to be on a controlled diet for the rest of my life so I don't put it all back onI can't do just the odd bar or chocolate, I like big bars with 1000s of calories in!!