Gold Member
Did you know that in Japan it's completely acceptable to name your child "Buttocks" or "Prostitute" lol
Did you know that an Octopus testicles are located in its head lol
the same can be said for most menlol
Texty_F said:Did you know - Cleopatra owned one of the worlds first vibrators lol - it was a container filled with buzzing bees - (can you imagine the pain if the lid came off lol)
Did you know - That food has no taste until mixed with Saliva
Did you know - most lipsticks have fish scales in them
I'd take lettuce over risking that...chocolate over the real thing haha!Bet they didnt do Galaxy choccy those days lol gimme that anytime - plus im scared of bees and wasps
MrsWilsoncroft said:Cleopatra sounded like a kinky ***** lol!!
It was the Egyptians who came up with the idea of tampons too, by wrapping a small amount of dressing around their finger then inserting it lol x
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Eewww nice!!! Lol