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Pepsi Max????
Hi! I know this is a rather old post but I'm hoping you'll read it!
I made diet coke chicken last night and it was absolutely divine.
But I had to nip to the shop because I only had Pepsi Max in the house, not diet coke. Is there a difference in taste if I use Pepsi Max? Does it taste any better/worse?
Let me know your thoughts
I remember hearing about Diet Coke Chicken when I was on SW (never tried it though...) but am wondering what to have for dinner tonight and this just sounds perfect! Thinking of teaming it with 0pp BNS fries and some mixed veg! So will only need to point my chicken!! I <3 Weightwatchers sometimes I really do! However I already have Pepsi Max in the house as I prefer it to Diet Pepsi/Coke so will use that instead!
Saw a guy on Youtube making it and he used Worcester sauce... will it still taste okay without it or should I pop to Asda and invest in some? Hmmm... actually it's a nice day, I'm gonna walk to Asda anyway just for some exercise (okay I need to calm down, I'm too excited by this meal!)
Any last minute advice as I'm rubbish at following recipes cos they never ever seem correct (not enough sauce, too spicy etc)?? xx
Hi! I know this is a rather old post but I'm hoping you'll read it!
I made diet coke chicken last night and it was absolutely divine.
Let me know your thoughts