I do a similar recipe to this and its beautiful, don't think its healthy though as its full of sugar. A chinese guy I used to live in halls with taught me how to cook it and we have it very occassionaly because it is very rich and morish!
Ingredients -
Coco Cola Chicken
Dark Soy Sauce
Light Soy Sauce
Oil/fry light
Cut the ends (feet I think) off the wings and cut whats left in to two
Get your oil really hot and add your wings in to brown
When the chicken browns, cover over with a table spoon of sugar, mix all in and then add anothertable spoon of sugar.
Then cover over with light soy sauce and mix in, then cover over with dark. Be generous
Simmer for a few minutes then add in a ottle of coke,so it covers the chicken and leave to simmer on low!
This will decrease to a sticky BBQ type, texture, sauce. It sthen ready. e careful not to burn it!
Serve with rice, Beautiful! This recipe tastes like a sweet sticky sauce. You can taste the soya lightly too