Diet pills recommended?

eh what! aren't prescriptions all £7 something, even if you're under 25? I'm 25 now, but not had a prescription for ages.... but I'm sure I had to pay last time, when I must have been under 25. Nuts. Oh well, it's not a lot! Plus I might be able to blag it cos I'll be a student. Nice. Poor irish people!!
Oooh you've made me think now Katie, do I only get them for free because i'm under 25?? Will I have to start paying in October when I turn 25?? I think I will won't I??

No hun, once AB is 1 year old, then you'll start paying for prescriptions. Pregnant woman, and women to children 1 year and younger get an exemtion certificate.
So I've got Xencial free til Feb then! Plenty of time to shift some weight! lol! It must just be Wales, tho coz I was 23 when I fell pregnant and before that I always had prescriptions free??? So you all have to pay for like anti-biotics and stuff do you?? I DEF never have had to? Don't think my OH pays for prescriptions either and he's 25?? And we def don't fall in the "combined income under £10,000" band as OH earns £26,000 on his own??? Confused now! Why don't welsh people pay? Lol! not that I'm complaining! If it is just til AB is one, then I have to start paying, then I will still get Xenical, right? Just have to pay for the prescription??

oooh, it was annoying me, so I googled it! And prescriptions USED to be free to all people under 21 and over 60 in England AND Wales, but then it increased to 25 in Wales (so all prescriptions free to under 25's in Wales) BUT then the Welsh Assembly lobbied for free prescriptions to EVERYONE in Wales.....this came into force in April 2007, so now apparently all prescriptions are free in Wales! (might not be for long because of reduced budget due to credit crunch......but OK for time being!)

In Scotland we are supposed to be getting free prescriptions from April 2011, they will go down to £3 from April next year, then zero from the year after. Whether this will happen depends on the economy I guess.
Its still cheaper to get a pre-paid certificate at £13 for 4 months so your scripts cost £3.25 per month until next April when with a PPC they will cost £2.50 a month if you are only getting a script for one thing, thats only in Scotland though.
Here's a link for anyone in Scotland interested
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Hi,I'm with Skyegirl on this one. I have a prepaid annual prescription (but this only works out cheaper if you have more than one item a month e.g. Xenical + B.P Medication) otherwise I think it's about £8.00 per item. But like has already been said - cheaper than buying Alli.
