I love reading your posts DNinja! So honest and reflective. Your determination is inspirational. Good luck to you - and everyone x
Sorry your day hasn't been great seems like a bit of a trend amongst us all. You are very tight it is short term with long term gain xx
Hey, well done you staying on a VLCD for the longest time ever Hope your little one is better soon. Heaps of luck for weigh in today. Oops, just spotted your post. It wasn't showing just now for some reason :-/ Fabulous weight loss. So glad you got your whoosh Well done! Keep going
That sounds wicked! Burpees scare me to death. hahaha. I just cannot manipulate my body into that position....like..at all. Nevermind trying to wangle myself all...yeah. just..no. haha. Theres over 5'9" of me. thats a lot of height. Add to that the ...er...width. haha. Yikes. I certainly couldnt do 12 in a minute. Go you!
Forgot to add my water...somewhere between 2.5-3 litres...lost count
Well done on such a high water consumption. I can't drink three litres of water every day. Whenever I try to do so it quickly becomes a chore. I average two litres per day with 2-3 additional teas or coffees. I always have a bit of milk because I hate black tea/coffee. I did once persevere with black coffee but I needed six sweeteners per cup to make it bearable! After three months of black coffee I one day realised I just couldn't drink any more LOL.