Day's Friday xx
Rest day...but went for a run as I knew I was going out for dinner and it was great! I felt great in the third mile and my splits were 10.59, 10.15, 9.40

given that I was running 11.30ish pace in Jan and haven't done any running beyond HIIT sprints once or twice a week ... super impressed with the fitness gains with HIIT and will be definitely be maintaining the regime!
B - Lizis granola, yoghurt (forgot protein shake!)
L - homemade tuna fish cakes, avocado, cottage cheese
Ex: 3.2 mile run in 33.49 (av pace 10.28, splits 10.50, 10.15, 9.40)
Post ex: forgot protein shake so had a small latte from Costa instead (!)
D - out at a lovely modern Indian restaurant, had a pomegranate martini and a vodka and soda to drink, poppadoms to start, chicken masala with rice and a side of aubergine and spinach....lush!
Not on plan but enjoyed it loads!