Thank you Bev, this has been my best day so far.
Well I was laying in bed this morning, and NO weird dreams today, but just a craving for a Cointreau with Ice........maybe something to do with the lack of alcohol this week too
Anyway, my breath felt a little stinky today, so I did a ketostix test and waheyyyy, the ketosis Fairy has come to visit me - well helloooo, thanks for calling.
Sneaky WI today showed another 1lb loss, so thats a loss of 6lbs since I started and more importantly, all my enemy gain has now gone. Now to knuckle down and lose some more. Ideally would love an 8lb loss by next Wed, and then a 4lb loss the following week. Hope I am not being too optimistic, but this is my usual sort of loss on LT. Fingers crossed.
Day 3 going extremely well. Had 2 shakes up to now and will have my last one around midnight. I am drinking about 3 litres of water a day, but a slight cheat, I am adding about a teaspoonfull (if that) to each half a litre, it just helps me drink it better and it doesnt seem to have any effect on the losses.
Edit to add what I am adding to the water - just no added sugar squash, when I was reading it back I noticed I didnt say what I added, and I just know you would all have thought Vodka.....