Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Hi Dawn,
I can imagine the memorial service was tough but well done for going. It may not feel it now but I'm sure looking back in years to come you'll be glad you did it. My Nan does a similar thing for my Gdad at Christmas - lights a light on the tree for him. I'm sure she found it tough to begin with but now it's her way of sharing Christmas with him.

Sorry you put on 1/2 lb but I'm confident you'll get that off in no time. Not long until your birthday - how exciting. Are you doing anything to celebrate?

Ooh just look what my little green friend has made me...


Thank you so much Sarah!

What a nearly nice thing to do! They smell amazing and I've already picked 2 bits of feta off of mine! Definately won't last till my bday on Sunday!

Thanks again hunni xxx


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They're not meant to last until Sunday. They won't be nearly as fresh then. Eat them today!

Yeah, they taste pretty much just like cheese scones, it's just the green colour and the cake shape that make them a little alarming.

Close your eyes while you eat them, and they'll be fine!

(Does Gwyn know what he's let himself in for?
Or rather what I've let him in for!)
Lol! Gwyn will love it Sarah! I think after you've had your jollies with Steve, you should meet him x.:)
What's a half a pound between friends?

Exactly, nothing, when it is all shared out!;)

I did feel for you when you posted that you were going to the Memorial Service, as we went to something similar in the Church a couple of months after my brother died, and it was very, very hard!:cry:
JimofTroy said:
I'm up for that - if you trust me to meet him!!!

I did think long and hard before suggesting it...believe me! ;)
Helena_297 said:
Sounds like you folk are havin a tough time
I feel for you. Dieting is tough enough when life is good x

Thankyou Helena x

It has been very difficult, and I'm just hoping we're coming out the other side now xx
pjallen1982 said:
Hi Dawn,
I can imagine the memorial service was tough but well done for going. It may not feel it now but I'm sure looking back in years to come you'll be glad you did it. My Nan does a similar thing for my Gdad at Christmas - lights a light on the tree for him. I'm sure she found it tough to begin with but now it's her way of sharing Christmas with him.

Sorry you put on 1/2 lb but I'm confident you'll get that off in no time. Not long until your birthday - how exciting. Are you doing anything to celebrate?


Thanks Penny x

I'm sure you're right and that we will look back and feel pleased that we went x. That's a lovely thing your nan does for your gdad at Xmas x

I think I'm over the gain now ;) isn't it infuriating! Well it just means I now have 3lbs to target instead of 2 1/2 lol!

We haven't really got any plans for my bday tbh. I've already had my presents from Gwyn (Saints season ticket and Suki of course :)), so we may just have a takeaway on Sunday to celebrate!
ginlin said:
What's a half a pound between friends?

Exactly, nothing, when it is all shared out!;)

I did feel for you when you posted that you were going to the Memorial Service, as we went to something similar in the Church a couple of months after my brother died, and it was very, very hard!:cry:

Aww thanks Lynne xx

I don't think I was prepared for the emotion of it all. But it was nice, and I wouldn't put anyone off of going...I'm not sure I was ready for it tho. :)
shenzi said:
Hi dawn, hope your feeling a little better now? It must have been lovely but at the same to sad for you to speak to someone that knew your dad when he was younger and had lots of tails to tell!

Don't worry about the gain i also got a gain but we are going to get it off next week aren't we! You have done amazingly well so i know you will! X

Thanks Emma x

I'm fine now thank you x

Apart from getting HEAVIER that is!

God this naughty bench is taking some weight now lol! I'm sure its creaking!

We have to get it off again hun, before it collapses on us! We'd better team up this week...diet buddies...what do u think? ;)
Pommette said:
The Curse of The Target strikes again!
Sorry about the slight gain - but you know you can do this! You're the 3rd person tonight that I've read about to gain when they only had 2 lbs to go!

Cheers Bev x

Lol to the curse! How strange that others gained this week too!

It's not going to be easy due to my bday, but I'm determined to give it a good go this week. If I can stay totally 100% every day except for Sunday, I'm hoping I will still lose. A pound would be fine...fingers crossed xx
gl12282 said:
Hi Dawn,

0.5lb on isn't too bad. Hope you aren't too disappointed with that. You are doing brilliantly and you know why this time. I hope you are having a good week. I have had (another) rubbish day this week - ooops. So, at least I know why I'll gain this week *sigh*.

Anyway, hope you are ok. I'm going to try and go to bed early tonight so might not be around for too much longer but will catch you again soon no doubt :)

Gail x

Thanks Gail xx

I'm good thanks...and trying to BE good too lol!

Not easy with 4 spinach and feta cheese muffins wafting over me at my desk! They smell SO good! And I keep picking the cheese off and then it falls in my mouth by accident! ;)
Mini Mum said:
Hi Dawn,

I wonder if your ears were burning when I spoke with Steve??? He was telling me what a fantastic achievement you have made recently by getting down under 11 stone :O I am very, VERY impressed and you must feel so proud at your achievement! Plus the fact you are lighter than Steve now which is an added bonus ;)

Your Puppy is so cute! I did respond to you on mine about her and she is adorable.

Michelle x


You're back!

You see, I NEED you here to keep me on track!

I'm on my lunch break now but I'll try to catch up with you later hunni...then you can tell me what the little stud muffin Steve REALLY said about me lol!

Good to have you back xx
Hi guys,

Sorry about all the posts...I'm on my phone and I just can't figure out how to multi quote on it, and I didn't want to miss anyone out! I hope I haven't...apologies if I have xx.

Thanks for all your lovely posts about the service and my gain...I really appreciate your time x.

Gotta get back to work now but hope to see you tonight xx
skinnydawn said:
Thanks Emma x

I'm fine now thank you x

Apart from getting HEAVIER that is!

God this naughty bench is taking some weight now lol! I'm sure its creaking!

We have to get it off again hun, before it collapses on us! We'd better team up this week...diet buddies...what do u think? ;)

I think that would be a very good idea! We will get it off! :D x x
.Nicki. said:
:hug99: That is all

Thanks bestie...right back at u hunni xxx