Hello everyone,
Phew, glad to see the back of work today, again! What a day! 4 vehicle breakdowns in 2 hours! And a woman fell over in the car park, right outside my window, and ended up having to be long-boarded into the ambulance with a query spinal injury! She's had a few drinks and just went flying! It's amazing how many incidents there are near our office! I've been in there 5 years and apart from today, other things I can remember are...
Several fights
Several car accidents
A woman fell out of her electric buggy and had an open wrist fracture
A couple of collapses
An assault
worst incident was when we were all in the office when there was a horrendous bang and all the walls shook, and we really thought a bomb had gone off. I opened the office door to find a car in the middle of the seating area, with the driver still clutching the steering wheel and screaming her head off...and a man (who turned out to be her husband) under the car. It was quite surreal and horrific. I bundled the driver out of the car and took the keys off her, and we tried to help the guy under the car, who had a massive head injury. Later investigations showed that the couple had a new automatic car, and the husband was sitting in his electric wheelchair, guiding her while she reversed into a parking space. But somehow she managed to hit the accelerator instead of the brake and hit her husband at great speed, pushing/dragging him & his chair through the glass doors, through all the tables and chairs, finally coming to rest some 20feet from the carpark and firmly inside the cafe area. Sadly despite everyones efforts the poor man died a month later from his injuries

And the
best thing that happened was when I delivered a baby in the front seat of a car! I just happened to be outside when the father said his wife was in labour in the car and he needed some help getting her up to the delivery suite. So I went over, expecting to help mum into a wheelchair, and found her with her legs up on the dashboard, puffing and panting, and saying she wanted to push!

I just had time to shout to my crewmate to get some blankets up at the car windows, get some gloves on and take her trousers off...and there was the head! One push later I had a baby girl in my arms! Wonderful!
So, I came off the road and into the office for a temporary break having had a long period of sickness due to a particularly upsetting job...and look what happens lol!
Anyway, enough of work!!!
Well actually just one more slightly work related thing...
One of the girls found a new pair of trousers on station that were for a lady who's recently left, and she thought I could do with them. So I tried them on and they fit perfectly...and they're size 10! :bliss: I've NEVER worn size 10 uniform before! I'm over the moon!
And tonight I went to wi and lost 1/2lb, so I'm 10.3lbs now :happy036: And my c took a photo of me in my new trousers lol, and made me stand up in front of everyone & tell them how I'd gone from size 20 to 10!

All a bit embarrassing!
Oh, and Andrew only went and lost 3lbs!!! :talk017:
(No news from Frances about her dad
