Aww thanks everyone xxx
I got home about 10.30 after dropping mum off at the bungalow. Apparently one poor chap who was having the same op ended up having half a lung removed so it put everyone else back so there wasn't enough time to do mum.
So mums ringing tomorrow as we're not sure what time we have to get her there on Wednesday...two different nurses told us 7am and 8am!
I really didn't like the drive there at all. When I used to drive the ambulances I was much more confident and used to throw them all over the place and I used to love driving anywhere. But after I was ill, I lost so much confidence it was ridiculous! I didn't drive for 10 months as Gwyn took me anywhere I needed to go. So on my first day back to work it was a bit of a shock to have to drive after so long. So much so that I got in a bit of a fix when I simply couldn't face turning right at a junction so had to find a way of getting to the hospital by only going straight on or left lol! Anyway, I'm fine now but still get a bit anxious if I'm on my own and I don't know where I'm going. So I was quite pleased with myself tonight
Other news we could've done without is that Gwyn is being referred to the skin clinic with a view to removing a small growth on his cheek which looks pretty suspicious

And he's on antibiotics for his chest
So now I'm in bed with a g&t! Very nice way to unwind and I can't help feeling its bloody well deserved!
I do appreciate all of your super posts guys btw...thanks for taking the time to show you're there xxx
I've had a pretty good day with my food today and I've decided not to stress over the scales (see...I do listen to you lol!) I had a lot of bulky food over the last few days so if I just stick to plan I should be ok for Thursday. And if I'm not...well it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, does it?
So I'll pop my food on and hope to maybe visit a few diaries, but I'm very tired, and I'm subscribed to about 35 diaries, so I'm really sorry if I don't get to see all of you tonight xxx have a good evening guys xxx
Todays food Red
28g ready brek (part B)
Tbsp golden syrup (2)
250ml ss milk (A)
Ryvita (rest of B)
Philly light (1)
Chicken salad
Bns chips
Salad cream (2)
Yoghurt (1)
G&t (3)
Total syns 9
I realise now I've written this down that I have only had 1A and 1B today, but as its nearly midnight I don't think I'll bother with them! Xx