Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Evening/Morning peeps x

So my plans to get up early and do lots of jobs were scuppered by the fact we didn't wake up until 09.30am :sigh: I went downstairs to let Suki out, made a cup of tea for myself and Gwyn, and went back to bed with it lol!

Later on I met the lovely Sarah at the hospital for coffee :coffee: and finally gave her her Christmas presents (one didn't arrive until after Christmas :mad:). I've pinched a photo from her fred of her wearing one of them...I'll post it at the end.

It was lovely to see you Sarah and I'm glad you liked the pressies...and the fact that I came in on my day off especially to see you...! ;)

Then I had to shoot to the dentist to pick Gwyn up as he was having some rather unpleasant work done and I didn't want him driving. I'm not sure exactly what they did but it involved cutting and burning the gum :eek:

After settling Gwyn in at home I then went to the Post Office to send Mumsies new SW starter pack off, and to the pet shop for a few bits for Suki.

And the evening was pretty quiet really. After cooking tea I just watched a bit of telly and played on minis :character00148:

Oh, I did have a really canny crack wi the bonny Steve the neet. It wez canny good fun hunni, an Ah even think Ah may hev lorn'd te speak a little Geordie man! Eeeh man, maybe Ah need a few more lessons, but not bad fre a Southern lass! Ye knaa what ah mean leik Stevie? :flirt2:

Tomorrow we're going to be celebrating Daniel's 23rd birthday by taking him for a meal at his favourite Indian restaurant, so I'll need to keep my syns to a minimum throughout the day.

And I'm seriously thinking about joining the hospital recreation centre Cripps Receation Centre Sarah gave me the idea as she's already a member there. I'm just wondering if some regular swimming and gym work outs would help me tone my jelly belly!!! It's just plucking up the courage to go! :fear:

Todays food red day

35g fruit and fibre (B)
125mls ss milk (1/2 A)

2 x wm toast (B)
71g philly light (A)

chicken salad
salad cream (2)
bns chips
strawberries and yoghurt (1)

milky coffee (1/2 A)

Total syns - 3 ... didn't realise it was so low actually but I can 'bank' them in preparation for tomorrows curry! :eating:

Here's lovely Sarah with her pressie...:)


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HAHAHAHAHAHA. Love the pressie. You and Sarah are brilliant. A great pair *groan* !!!

Gail x

Sent from my iPhone
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Love the pressie. You and Sarah are brilliant. A great pair *groan* !!!

Gail x

Sent from my iPhone

You buy her something tasteful like pretty bras. What does she get me???

Actually I suspect it says more about the recipient than the donor.
Dawnie said it was one of those "I saw this and I thought of you" moments.
(Obviously she's more obsessed with my frontage than she cares to let on...)

And I think it's brilliant!
Sorry not to be around and to hit and run now but wanted to fly in and say Hi !!!!! Love from auntie Gill !!!!

I will need a week to catch up after Gill has gone.

Love the apron, love my girls.....Sarah need not read that bit lol !!!!

Hope Gwyn is O.K. poor man has suffered recently and that Daniel had a great birthday.

hugs from mumsie xxxxx
You buy her something tasteful like pretty bras. What does she get me???

Actually I suspect it says more about the recipient than the donor.
Dawnie said it was one of those "I saw this and I thought of you" moments.
(Obviously she's more obsessed with my frontage than she cares to let on...)

And I think it's brilliant!
Am I allowed to agree with you Sarah? Deffo says more about the recipient!

And deffo a "Nice Pear"!

Hope Gwynn is okay (I HATE DENTISTS) and that Daniel has a lovely birthday.
Poor Gwyn, It's so awful to see our DH's in pain isn't it... unless of course we've inflicted it...:copon:

Hope he can eat ok tonight bless him..

Hahaha! Nice one Dawn! ;)
Hello folks x

Thought I better post now as I probably won't get much chance later due to going out to celebrate Daniels birthday :candle1: I have to admit I'm really tired now as I was awake until 7am and then promptly nodded off when it was time to get up! :rolleyes:

Had a busy day...did my exercises, hoovered and cleaned the carpets, did several loads of washing...I'm hoping all this activity will somehow balance out all the naughtiness I'm going to consume tonight! :eek:

I'm currently watching League of Gentlemen on the tv...although I'm struggling to stay awake :zz:

Right...back to the fillum ... if I can keep my eyes open lol!

Catch you later x
Fillum? - are you taking the mick out of my accent? - besides, it's not fillum or movie - ist a pitcha:p

There's racism laws and geordies are officially a minority mind;)
Fillum? - are you taking the mick out of my accent? - besides, it's not fillum or movie - ist a pitcha:p

There's racism laws and geordies are officially a minority mind;)

Ah divvent believe it! :eek:
Ah divvent knaa hoo yee can even suggest such a thing when Ah went te so much trouble in me previous post te speak Geordie te you! :grumble:

It isn't easy te larn a new language yee know...! :rolleyes:
Evening Dawn x

A year ago I used to feel the same way! I loathed the things! They had a mind of their own and used to flop out every time I bent down!

So I wasn't too worried when they began to deflate...in fact I was quite pleased tbh. It was nice to feel more in proportion, and not to wobble quite so much lol!

Of course the gorgeous Gail kindly bought me some beautiful Bravissimo bras as a bday/getting to Target pressie which make a massive difference....

But...well...I'd still quite like to have a little bit back thank you!!!

(Please please please God don't let Steve see this post!)

How man pet, me ma baked bigga pies!
dabhand said:
Morning Dawnie,

How did the meal go last night? I think I must have turned up at the wrong restaurant as I couldn't see anyone I knew there:cry:

JackieN said:
:wavey: morning Dawnie xxxxxxx

Morning! x

The meal was lovely thank you! But I was stuffed...only just managed to have my breakfast!

Going for a nice walk with Suki now then I'll be back here to update x Hopefully I have a couple of pics to put on too x
Morning Dawnie,

How did the meal go last night? I think I must have turned up at the wrong restaurant as I couldn't see anyone I knew there:cry:

Ah. That was us, deliberately telling you the wrong place. We all had a great time!

We can't let these newcomers feel too welcome too quickly...
Afternoon all :D

Ok, before I tell you about last nights meal, there's some news I have to tell you ...

Gwyn has had the all clear from the hospital!!! :wee::wee::wee:

The letter came today saying that it was a one off isolated problem and he needs no further treatment! :party0011:

So last year ended with me being told both my husband and mum had cancer...and the new year has started with neither of them having it! :bliss:

If nothing else good happens this year I won't mind...I've think I've already had more than my fair share of good luck! :clap:

So, back to last night, and we went to an Indian restaurant that we used to use all the time but has just recently reopened under new management.

The staff were lovely and didn't rush us at all, and we all decided to go for the Banquet meal...a starter, main course, side dish, rice or bread, and a coffee...all for £9.95 per head! :eek: And while we were waiting, we demolished a pile of poppadoms with various sauces and relishes. As you can imagine, there were quite a lot of dishes on the table...18 during the main course...so we could all try a bit of everything! :eating: Yummy!

I have to say, unsurprisingly I was really full up when we came out lol! I'm definitely not used to eating so much food (apart from when I go to the Mandarin with Sarah :rolleyes:) and I did feel a bit uncomfortable...but it was worth it lol!

Whether it was worth whatever price I have to pay on the scales tomorrow night is another matter! :sigh:

So this morning I tried to make up for it a bit by doing my exercises :whacky068::character00115: and this afternoon by taking Suki for a lovely walk around Delapre Abbey :chores016: She's curled up fast asleep now bless her!

As I didn't get downstairs for breakfast until nearly midday, I skipped lunch, but I'm having a big sw tea and I may have supper if I'm hungry later. I'll list my food and edit later if necessary.

Have a good afternoon guys x

Todays Food Red Day

35g fruit and fibre (B)
s milk (half A)

Chicken fillet (singular ;))
Bns chips
butter (1)
gravy (2)
Fresh fruit and yoghurt

hi fi bar (B)
milky coffee (half A)

Total syns - 6
Exercise - 100 leg lifts
500 reps on exercise machine
1 hour walk

Here's some pics from last nights meal...Daniel's the poser with the scowl btw :rolleyes:


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