Evening ladies x
I've had such a lovely couple of days! :clap: Not so good on the food side of things but you simply can't go to an 'all you can eat' restaurant and not stuff yourself can you??? I mean it kinda defeats the object! So last night I ended up having 2 plates of starters, one plate of mains, and then 2 plates of desserts :happy036: And very nice it was too! But I did only have a diet coke to drink...

We had a really good evening actually. It was nice to get together with friends from work and not actually talk about work.
We finished the meal around 10.30 so I headed up to the karaoke pub as it was only 5 minutes away but Vicki wouldn't meet me there so I was really brave and went in on my own :fear:But I needn't have worried as 3 of my friends were there so I stood with them. We had a good laugh and a brilliant evening...good job they have an extension so we didn't leave until after 1am! I was shattered by the time I got home as I'd been up since 6am, so I crept about making a coffee to take up to bed with me. But then I heard some whimpering and crying and a couple of minutes later Suki was in the kitchen with me, closely followed by a sleepy Gwyn! So we both ended up having coffee in bed!
All of this lead to a rather long lay in today, and although I was awake before 9am I didn't actually get up until I'd had a cup of tea in bed

But then I spent the next few hours tidying, cleaning and washing! I sorted out some clothes that no longer fit me and bagged them up for the charity shop, and rearranged all my shoes and boots...not a quick job, I can tell you!
I rang Shirley today to see if she'd like to come for dinner tomorrow and she said she'd love to. She's still extremely depressed and finding it very hard to cope without Dad

She's struggling to get through each day tbh, and is still under the doctor. And she's decided to have the bungalow valued as she's thinking about moving to Wales to be nearer her son and his family. It hasn't really come as a surprise as we were expecting it, but it's still a bit hard to take. Dad thought he was leaving Shirley with the perfect little place which had been altered and completely modernised to make life easier for her...but I can understand why she wants to go.
Anyway, Saints beat Bath away today so that was an excellent result for us. And my food has been pretty reasonable, apart from a glass of wine and a custard tart which I just couldn't resist tonight!
Catch you tomorrow guys xxx