Thanks Bev and Jane xx
Very much a mixed bag today, but mainly good!
Gwyn went shopping while I showered and tidied up and I had quite a late breakfast. As I was brushing Suki she let out a little whimper as if she was in pain! It really frightened me so I stopped brushing her and called Gwyn in. His immediate thought was that maybe there was a problem with Sukis hernia but we carefully pushed it in and it went in just as easily as it usually does, and she didn't cry out at all, so we decided to leave her to rest and see how she was later. She's been lethargic all day now, not wanting food, panting, her nose is running, she seems quite agitated and unsettled, and she looks as if she's in pain. I think she's having a reaction to the vaccination as she was unwell last time but not as bad as this. The worst thing is the little whimpers she keeps making

Thankfully she seems to have just settled down on our bed now so I'm hoping she'll be better after a good nights sleep. If not then it looks like another trip to the vets for the poor little thing
This afternoon Suzanne picked me up and we went shopping in Milton Keynes. The big centre there has a fantastic selection of shops and it was nice to have a look around. I bought a few things from Lakeland for the kitchen, and some very low syn crisps and popcorn from Boots.
We had to rush back to Northampton for Wi but we needn't have worried as Katie texted to say she'd got there early and the scales were broken! So our consultant had to ring another one and ask her to bring her scales to group! And then apparently the PDA wouldn't work for a while either! So when we got there, everyone was still queuing to be weighed!
But I didn't mind as I lost 3lbs!!! I'm so pleased with that! And a lot of the credit must go to Gail as she kept me on track ALL the time I was staying with her!
And then during class, my c said that she'd had some nice remarks from some of her ladies regarding some of my comments on her SW FB page. It's a bit like a tiny version of minis really, and often people post if they're struggling with something, and I sometimes just say what I would do in that situation, or simply offer some encouragement. But I can only do that when I'M totally on plan as it doesn't feel right offering up opinions on things if you're not doing it yourself! So because I've been so focused recently, I've been responding to various posts, and my c said that she'd actually left some of them intending to go back to them when she'd thought about what to say...but that I'd answered them in the meantime and thanked me lol! I think it must come from being on here! Once I start, you can't shut me up!!!
And then...
I only went and got awarded joint Miss Slinky with another member called Holly!!! I couldn't believe it! I was totally shocked! Both Holly and I were called out to the front and asked to speak to the class about our journeys. And afterwards we were given some flowers and a certificate. What a lovely surprise!
Oh and in other news, I will be going back out on the road in a weeks time! I'm both nervous and excited about it! I'll only be on a car or little combi ambulance to start off with but that suits me as no lifting and carrying to do
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