Good afternoon! we are again!

Has it really been three years since I was last on here?!!!

Quite a lot has happened in that time...some good and some not so good...but the long and the short of it is that I find myself a LONG way from target...nearly 4 stones if I'm going to be honest. I've no real excuses other than I've switched to 12.5hr shifts on the ambulances and have both a) struggled to get into a proper routine with my food and b) struggled to get to group regularly. Anyone who knows me well will know that I need to be accountable otherwise I go off the rails, so regular weigh ins are a must for me

My wonderful friend Suzanne (also on here) has stuck with me through fat and thin...and back to fat again

but I still keep straying

So I need a new plan! And basically I'm hoping that coming on here might keep me motivated through the weeks that I can't attend a group. I'm frustrated as I know I can do it! I previously lost six stones in around a year, and even managed to stay on plan through the most traumatic time of my life when my Dad was dying, so I really should be able to knuckle down and shift a few pounds!
Anyway, I'm going to give it my best shot. I rejoined my old Thursday SW group last week but was working this Thursday so got weighed today and lost 4.5lbs so that's a lovely start

I'd love anyone passing through to stop by and say hello, and I'll pop onto your diaries too. Most of the ladies I used to know here have moved to another forum so I think I'm going to be a bit lonely on here for a while lol

Have a good day!