Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Love the title of your food diary! Had to pop in for a quick gander :D

Why thank you @Rezal !
Of course I’m afraid that means I’m duty bound to come and visit yours now! ‘Tis the rules! :)

Awaiting a weigh in post!

Oops sorry! Had the opticians this morning and then went for a wander round Tesco’s to find a few weaning bits for Sebby BUT ... not before I weighed (obviously!) and found I’ve lost 2lbs!!!

So...hello 1st shiny!!! :woohoo:
It’s been a while since I’ve seen you! Let’s see how long I can hold onto you! :classic_roll_eyes: Realistically it’ll only be for this week as it’s my birthday next week and then of course we’re away, but at least I’ve got you today! :classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin:
Well done you!
When do you go away?
I expect at least 7lb back on, for a week, please!!
We’re off on the 15th and come back on the 22nd.
Can I just add how much I REALLY love your support on here Sarah...:classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin:
Oops sorry! Had the opticians this morning and then went for a wander round Tesco’s to find a few weaning bits for Sebby BUT ... not before I weighed (obviously!) and found I’ve lost 2lbs!!!

So...hello 1st shiny!!! :woohoo:
It’s been a while since I’ve seen you! Let’s see how long I can hold onto you! :classic_roll_eyes: Realistically it’ll only be for this week as it’s my birthday next week and then of course we’re away, but at least I’ve got you today! :classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin:
Congratulations Dawn on your first stone:0clapper::banana_dancer::banana_dancer::banana_dancer:
We’re off on the 15th and come back on the 22nd.
Can I just add how much I REALLY love your support on here Sarah...:classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin::classic_big_grin:

What else are friends for?? :classic_tongue:
Well this is unusual! I’m actually at work now but instead of trotting here, there, and everywhere in my little truck, I’m sitting on base twiddling my thumbs! I’m not used to this! Trouble is I’ve still got 2.5hrs to go so I probably shouldn’t get too comfortable. Plus I’ve eaten all my food! :eek:
When I say ALL my food, in fairness I meal my meal replacement bar, my meal replacement shake, a packet of low cal popcorn, a fibre one bar, and a packet of seaweed ... but you know what I mean. I’ve also clocked up 6k steps so far and drunk 1.5l of water so it’s been a decen day. Tonight’s meal will be a ready meal (under 600 cal) as I told Gwyn to cook himself and my daughter and SIL something early as I’m planning on eating and then going straight to bed. I’m so tired! Baby woke the whole house up at 5am and then it didn’t seem worth going back to sleep as I was at work for 7am, so I just had a shower and a cup of tea and a bit of a chat to Gwyn before I set off.
I’m still really enjoying this new regime of 1 600 cal meal, 2 shakes/bars and 3 snacks of 100 cals each. It’s a bit strange having to ‘count’ things like salad, fruit and veg as these are obviously free on SW and that’s what I’ve been used to for years, but I’m managing ok. I’m 99% sure I’ll end up back on SW sooner or later as it’s a great healthy eating plan, but for now I may as well carry on with the SF. I think the novelty will probably wear off eventually! It’s great at the moment though because I’m seeing results quickly and that really motivates me! And it’s not just the scales as I’ve got a couple of inches spare on the waistband of my work trousers now! :bunnydance:


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I think you will need a belt to hold up your trousers as they look way too big for you Dawn:classic_big_grin:

Luckily I have a wardrobe full of uniform ranging from size 8 to 20 so hopefully I’ll just go back down the sizes again! :rotflmao:
Sorry I'm 10 minutes late, but

You've caught me up again.
Well, in years, you have.
In life, you're obviously VASTLY older than me already, cos I'm nowhere near old enough to be a granny. Never mind being TWO grannies...

Being TWO grannies is TWICE the fun! :p

Well it’s a good job I only have one birthday a year as yesterday I was showing a 2lb gain :rolleyes: but luckily I’ve managed to shift that again by today.
So today’s wi is a measly STS, but I suppose it could’ve been worse! The children surprised me with a little party :bday: which was lovely and resulted in me being force fed cake :candle1: and wine! :drunk: Of course I protested (;)) but it was to no avail :)
Today I’m back on it but in my head I’m getting into holiday mode which is naughty as we don’t go till Saturday! Luckily I’m at work today so have brought my shake, bar and snacks and won’t have anything else till dinner this evening. Must try to stay away from the wine! :angeldevil:
I’m back!

Thank you for the birthday wishes! Seems so long ago now! :(

So we had a really lovely time in the IOW! Nice smooth crossing on the ferry and an excellent caravan which actually slept 8. As there was only 4 of us plus little Sebby we had plenty of room.
The weather stayed fine and sunny for the first few days but then it got VERY windy! It was at its worst on Thursday night when the trees were being blown all over the place and the rain sounded like 100 yap dancers on the caravan roof! Not much sleep was had that night! Thankfully it had all subsided by the time we got up.
We were out every day ... wildlife sanctuaries, farms, the beach, visiting Matthews relatives, wine tasting at a vineyard, shopping etc so quite a bit of walking. And in the evening we went to the parks entertainment rooms where Sebby was absolutely mesmerised by the singers! He loved it! Even when his Daddy got up to sing karaoke!
As for food, well I took my shakes and bars ... but they didn’t see the light of day until I packed them to come home again! :D The thought was there!
So we ate all sorts, several cream teas, fish and chips on the promenade, bacon and Brie pannini, risotto and tiramisu at Prezzo...you get my drift :D And obviously there was a very generous amount of wine consumed too :classic_tongue::classic_tongue:

But the odd thing is I’ve only gained 3lbs! Those of you who know me well (@Monkey_Monkey_Underpants !) will remember I usually gain between half a stone and a stone, but not this time!! I can only put it down to the walking. Anyway I’m MORE than happy with that!!! :woohoo:

Back at work today and back on plan too as I’m hoping to lose some of it by wi on Thursday.


Well done, Dawn. That's definitely well below your usual gaining capabilities!
Well done, Dawn. That's definitely well below your usual gaining capabilities!

Thank you! Strange isn’t it? I’m wondering if my metabolism has altered since I went through the ‘change’? I’m finding it harder to lose weight now but equally it doesn’t seem to go on quite as quickly as it used to.
It's possible.
Obviously you grannies are old enough to think about such things...