What happens when the dog is taken out of that contraption then? A dog in pain? Is this the result of irresponsible breeding? Poor dog.
What about me???
Big hugs Dawn. Hope you feel better after your shower and have a nice day. Any plans? xxxx
I prefer white myself and I've just had the first spritzer of the evening delivered by himself. So Cheers - say she raising her glass towards the laptop screen! Being VERY careful not to spill it on the keyboard this time.. . . And a nice glass of red would be rather nice tooarty0036:
I prefer white myself and I've just had the first spritzer of the evening delivered by himself. So Cheers - say she raising her glass towards the laptop screen! Being VERY careful not to spill it on the keyboard this time.
Have a good evening Dawn.
PS just PMSL at your post on Maximus's diary. Thank you for that!
They really do look adoarable. Can't decide though whether I envy you or not getting a new little one. I remember what house training my last kitten was like. She was mad!!!! Used to climb up the voiles and then sit on the top of the curtain rail . . . . you can image what the voiles looked like after a few weeks.
New puppy pics are adorable DawnHave you settled on Suki as her name then?
Laughed aloud at your clockwork mouse/kitty story
Enjoy your movieAm going to the cinema tomorrow to see Harry Potter - can't wait
Mo xxx
How are you???
Great to hear from you xx
I always leave everything till the last minute so poor puppy will probably be named on the journey home!!!
Have fun at the movies tomorrow. I'm enjoying Marley and Me atm...
Oh my gosh Dawn, Marley and Me is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sad. I sobbed at the back of the cinema when I saw it. No one told me it would be so sad! x
Haha - what a lovely greeting Dawn thank you :hug99:
I'm fine thank you. Been super busy getting my LO's new blanket finished, (pictures on my profile) and then got so excited to start a new one for my dear friend that time has just flown by. I have been reading but not posting much. It is also school summer hols here now, so keeping LO occupied is a full time job of course as all parents out there know
I'm sure puppy's name will be just perfect when you come to a decision - or maybe she'l decide for you
Mo xx
Well it's really lovely to know you're about hunni
:wow:I had a look at your blanket...it's beautiful! How long does it take to make something like that??? xxx
You must have a lot of patience as well as talent to create something as stunning as that Mo. It's a labour of love. I'm not at all surprised that everyone loves it.
Now it makes sense as to why we haven't seen much of you recently! Not too easy to post on here at the same time as you're working your creative magic lol! Xx