I lost 2.5lbs and got joint SOTW!!!

So thank you all for your good luck messages...they must have worked! :flowers:
Mind you, I did get the lawn mown, tied a load of climbers back, did the hoovering, and got the washing done before lunch lol! :superwoman:
Then I spent the afternoon cooking
I made a really nice lentil dahl to go with yesterdays curry leftovers, then I made a HUGE pan of Minimums bacon and lentil soup which I'm going to freeze, and I couldn't resist making ANOTHER roulade!!!

I just LOVE them!!! :gimi:
Then of course it was time for wi, and Frances kindly offered to pick me up :character00182: Andrew didn't go tonight as he was busy working on my mums garden, so he's going tomorrow morning instead. Oh, and Frances lost a pound too

So now I'm getting my fix of minimins, with a very full belly, and a BIG glass of vino...perfect!!! :bliss:
I do hope everyone's had a good day
Todays Food
28g bran flakes (part B)
250ml ss milk (A)
ryvita (rest of B)
salad cream (1)
chilli jam (1)
Chicken curry
lentil dahl
mango chutney (2)
sw roulade
wine (8)
Total syns:- 12
Exercise:- mowing the lawn