Oooh that looks tasty. Was it nice? So is that 2 roulades or just one mixture sliced across? Gosh I want some now. Yum yum x
It was pretty good Penny

Infact Andrew preferred it to the fruit/quark mixture I usually put inside it. Everyone had seconds, and Vicky licked the bowl that I made the lemon curd in lol!
It was just the normal roulade recipe, made in the normal way, and then just cut in half.
I don't know if you've made the lemon curd before, but I'll pop the recipe on here for you...
Lemon curd syn free
3 - 4 heaped table spoons sweetener (depending on personal taste)
Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
2 large eggs
2 - 3 tablespoons fromage frais - this is optional tbh. Add it if you want your curd to be more like a cream eg. for inside a cake. Also useful if you don't want it to be too tangy!
In a bowl suitable for resting over a simmering pan, place grated rind and sweetener.
In a separate bowl whisk lemon juice and eggs together then pour into first bowl.
Place bowl over a pan of simmering water stirring continuously until thickened (I used a whisk to stir gently) which only takes a few minutes.
When cool, add fromage frais if using, whisking gently until smooth.
Stores for 5 days in fridge