I loved you flower thank yous ..
And me x
I loved you flower thank yous ..
shenzi said:Hi dawn,
Cooks tip please - should the roulade be squidy to the touch or does it need to go back in the oven for a bit?
Many thanks Emma x x
Thanks dawn i did that but Ive already started eating it i wonder if i eat the whole thing ill be alright! Doubt it lol meatloaf is now in the oven too! X
Picture below before i rolled it and ruined it lol
So looking forward to meeting you on Thursday! I'll probably be late...nearer 5.45 ... as its a work day for me too and I'll try to change out of my uniform beforehand, but we'll still have time for a good ole natter! Could always have a quick drink in the pub after if u want, or food! Xx Oops...leading u astray already lol! Xx
Dawn... you look fantastic.. awww , sad for your mum. 17 is a good age but its still a sad loss .. Happy memories .. You may find it a bit revolting but I have 2 little carved wooden boxes on my mantlepiece containing my previous 2 cats ashes !!!! The boxes are lovely but never got round to burying the ashes.. now Im thinking about it perhaps I should do it..
Glad its not just me.. One of the cats was such a character and used to wear a party hat at Christmas... we still have the hat and used to put it on the ashes box on Christmas day. You used to be able to buy cat costumes ( cruel I dare say) not this one !! It was the highlight of Christmas to take pictures of him in the latest outfit.. He was happy as Larry and walked about for the photoshoot then curled up and went to sleep ..in costume. He wasnt too fussed on the hats thoughThanks Diana xx
Not revolting at all xx
I have the ashes of my two girlies Simba & Sophie in the dining room...and that's where they're staying. I want them to be near me, and I really cant face moving them. We lost both dogs in the space of 4 months quite recently, so it's still a bit rawMy logic is that they were part of the family, so they should be with us!!!
Thanks for the nice comments guys xx
It is nice to enjoy getting dressed now, rather than just getting upset cos nothing looks nice on. And even tho I'm not at target yet, I think I look normal, which is all I ever wanted to do. Not to stand out because of my size, but just to blend in with everyone else, iykwim xx