Hi folks,
Well so much for my list of 'things to do' today
I did get some stuff done though...having managed to drag myself out of bed! It's not like I wasn't awake...Suki had us up at 5am...but I did nod off again :zz:
So it was a late start! :d'oh:
But washing got done, dog got bathed, bedding got changed...and that was it!!! :ashamed0005: So I didn't do my planned walk to the garden centre which was very naughty :whoopass:
Instead I watched a bit of rugby on tv and played with Suki / on minis for the afternoon

Brilliant use of a Saturday afternoon lol!
And to round it all off, gorgeous hubby bought me a chinese for tea as a treat!
Shirley phoned tonight to say that there was no improvement with Edna and that the doctors suspect her deterioration is down to dementia

They want to keep her in hospital for a couple of weeks or so while they make arrangements for her to go into a home. It's so very sad. Edna's nearly 94 and it's such a shame that this has happened to her. Shirley is devastated of course.
I'm looking forward to a nice day tomorrow. Off to church in the morning, and then in the afternoon we have our first Saints home game of the season :bliss: I can't wait...it seems ages since we were last there! Gwyn buys me a season ticket for my birthday each year which is lovely of him, especially as he also bought Suki for me this year! He's totally spoiled me :lilkiss: I have to say though, why he ever thought I would like going to a rugby match, watching all those MASSIVE men with their HUGE thighs and their TINY shorts running around for 80 minutes is beyond me...but oddly enough I actually LOVE it lol!!!
So today started as a SEx day but then turned into an EE day due to the surprise curry tonight (touch of the Stevie babes there!) We did actually share 2 curries between Gwyn, Andrew and myself so the syns shouldn't be too bad. Anyway, I've had it now!
Before I go, I thought I'd put a few piccies of Sophie on which I took this afternoon after her bath xx