Hoping you've had a good dayand I also hope that your hips and other' irritating' bits are all feeling a little easier this evening
How nice it will be to see JoT's new avatarI am immensely surprised, pleased, but surprised she has agreed to give up her anonymity in such a 'normal' fashion :giggle:
BTW, I am contemplating starting a blog rather than a diaryOnly contemplating mind you. I don't want to bore anyone
Hey Twinkle...you ARE living dangerously calling JoT 'normal' lol!!! I'm seriously thinking I have to meet up for a proper chat with this icon...it's a shame we seem to both be very busy atm
As for the diary...well I suppose a blog would be better than nothing ...:sigh: You certainly wouldn't bore us, that's for sure!!!
Hey Dawn,
Just catching up on diaries. Firstly a massive well done with your run. You did so amazingly well and you looked great in your outfits. You're so teeny too. Do you have any before photos that you could post? I would love to see the difference.
Poor Shirley. That must be horrific. I definitely think she should get a pet for company but also if she likes dogs, then she has to go out for a walk with them so least that takes some time up each day and forces some form of routine. Would she do some sort of volunteer work? My mum does 2 mornings in Marie Curie shop which gives her some company but also giving something back to the community. I know hospitals sometimes are looking for help in the shops or advice table when you go in. It's worth looking into it if Shirley would like to meet new people.
What are these Velvet Crunch Crisps you have? Where do you buy them from? I'm so peckish right now. Not sure reading food diaries is they best idea really!
Take care x
I found the photos !!! WOW. You just look so different. And SO much younger (I hope you see htat too ?). You are fab
I so agree with this Dawn, I hope I look half as good in time
Twinkle - if you decide to 'blog' or 'thread' please let me know. I would definitely follow. I thought no-one would be interested in my drivel but somehow they are (or at least pretend to be...............)
Gail x
I found the photos !!! WOW. You just look so different. And SO much younger (I hope you see htat too ?). You are fab.
Sorry to hear that Shirley is finding it difficult. I think the idea of volunteering at the hospice is a good one however it may be too soon for her at the moment and they may make her wait a while before she can.
Twinkle - if you decide to 'blog' or 'thread' please let me know. I would definitely follow. I thought no-one would be interested in my drivel but somehow they are (or at least pretend to be...............)
Gail x
Hi penny,
Sorry forgot the velvet crunch! Theyre in Tesco, sweet Chilli flavour or cheese and spring onion (my fave) and only 4 syns xx