Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Hi Dawn!!!

I hope you are feeling better this morning.:)

Your diary moves so fast I can never find it. What a deservedly popular lady you are.:D

Congratulation on being so close to the 10's. You have done amazingly well and really stuck with it. Makes me feel ashamed of myself :eek:

Suki is delightful, so pretty, and just think of all that Body Magic running round after her.

We have been busy so not been able to keep up quite as well as I would like too but am here now and slap bang up to your last post.

Enjoy your days off.
Dear Dawn

I am typing this slowly as I know you're not a fast reader.

Are you feeling sub-11 yet?


Cheeky sod! :rolleyes:

And the answer is yes!!! ;)
Hi Dawn, Glad you are feeling better.
Hope your wee pup soon gets the hang of where to do poos properly....:D

Thanks Emmaline xx

Nice to see you back after your trip away x I'll pop along for a catch up in a few mins :D
Evening all xx

Thank you for all your nice posts...I'm feeling a lot better now but still not quite right :rolleyes: I'm hoping that I'll be back to normal by tomorrow :fingerscrossed:

I don't think I'll bother posting yesterdays food as I didn't have much tbh. Didn't really feel like it. I did have a little look around here but cba to post much, which isn't like me at all! Actually, I did sent a really long pm last night and then lost the stupid thing so had to redo it :badmood: So then I gave up lol! But earlier in the day I had a lovely phone call from the gorgeous Gail which really cheered me up and stopped me feeling sorry for myself :ashamed0005: Luv ya Gail :D

So today began with me standing in the garden in my nightie at 6.40am trying to get the Poopy Suki to oblige on the grass :sign0131: which she did, bless her :heartpump:

Tummy's still making me feel a bit funny but it's so much better than yesterday...I'm sure it's the same bug my boss had last week :sick0019:

But bug or no bug I'd made up my mind to hoover and then wash the carpets today in an effort to remove traces of Suki's deposits and discourage her from doing it in the same places. They looked lovely by the time I'd finished, and we've only had 2 accidents since then so I'm pretty pleased.

This afternoon Gwyns daughter came round with her 2 daughters for a cup of tea and a natter. She'd bought Gwyn a book about the little mining village he'd been born and raised in, Ynysybwl. The book had some photos of Gwyn, his family and friends in it and so He's been happily reminiscing all evening :D

I have been on and off the scales as usual since my last official wi...and atm they are showing a 1lb loss. But I'm scared of believing them cos I don't want to be disappointed on Thursday. And also of course this 1lb loss may just be because I've been ill...

Anyway, I'm not going to worry. I've got time to lose properly between now and Thursday!

Todays Food SEx

raspberries/pineapple/banana & yoghurt

250ml ss milk (A)

2x wm toast (B)
tinned toms
2x plums

sw cannelloni (A)
salad cream (3)
pineapple/melon/peach & yoghurt
meringue (1)

Fibre plus bar (B)

Total syns:- 4
Hi dawn, hopefully when you wake up in the morning that dodgy stomach will feel much better, well done with getting suki to poop outside it feels like it will take forever but you will get there with her, now i can barely remember what my Shenzi was like as a puppy its gone so quickly! X x x x x
Best thing I found after cleaning carpets was a steam cleaner. I just have a steam mop and it has the carpet glider on it, so i just glide over the carpet with steam. kills all smelly germs and fleas (not that we've ever had fleas) but kills then anyhow xxxxxxxx

ps glad you are feeling alot better today sweetie xxxxx
Glad you are feeling a bit better. Thanks for your lovely comments. I feel the same way too *mutual hugs* :)

The thought of having to clean up lots of accidents is making me feel v tired all of a sudden !!

Hope you have a good rest of the week off work and feel 100% back to normal soon.

Gail x

Sent from my iPhone
Glad you've been well enough to at least eat today. As for cleaning the carpets - you're a naughty girl. You're suppsed to rest when not well!
Glad you are feeling slightly better but think you should take it easy. Your food sounded yummy again, even if you were poorly. Try not to become too obsessed with those scales because everyone's weight fluctuates naturally and also you have been ill so that is likely to have an effect. I hope it shows a loss on Thursday though. Have a nice day today and hope the rain stops! x
Lol! Thanks Bev and Penny xx

Feeling a lot brighter this morning thankyou, and no plans so far so hopefully it might be a lazy day. Just need to make sure the poop machine knows that lol!

Have a good day ladies xx
Sorry you've been feeling ill Dawn and glad you are brighter today. You're on holiday aren't you now? Loved the pic of Suki sleeping on the little table, she seems so have grown already! :) xx
Morning Dawn !!!!

Have an absolutely brilliant one at home with Suki..................time for lots of toilet training. Bob Martins used to make a liquid you could put on the surface you want them to use and they go there..........hang on I will have a look and see if they still do it.

No but this is what they do do and might give our carpets some protection......

Housebreaking your new puppy can be a challenge. Fortunately, gone are the days of paper training with messy newspapers. Today, paper training is a lot cleaner and easier with Simple Solution Puppy Training Pads. Each pad is super absorbent and is made with a plastic backing to protect your floors and carpets. In addition, the pads are scientifically treated with an attractant to encourage your pet to the pad. Housebreaking is made a lot easier with the help of Simple Solution Puppy Training Pads. So easy, in fact, that many pet owners also use them for an alternative elimination area for indoor, confined or ill pets. The pads are available in a standard 21.5"x22.5" size

Available in the following sizes:
30 Pad Pack
56 Pad Pack

Putting one on the lawn might encourage her to go outside.

Thank goodness my Great Danes have always gone outside cos when they pee it is a lake lol !!!

Glad you are feeling better:D

hugs xxxx