Hi ladies xx
Thanks for asking after me...I'm fine now thanks...still obsessing over the scales though Penny
And I have had THE laziest day too!
Shower... breakfast... minis... lunch... minis... bath Suki... minis...get the picture? :8855:
And...you won't believe this but honestly it's true...I haven't hoovered!


Sue, I shall try a pack of those pad things, thanks for suggesting them. She only seems to like peeing on carpet or the grass! We take her into the garden regularly, and always before and after every meal, and she always has a pee. But 2 minutes later she'll go on the carpet too! But it's normally just a spot. I did read recently that shih tzus are notoriously hard to housetrain...

Thank goodness she isn't a Great Dane then...bet they pee and pooh like a donkey lol!!!
Jackie, Suki wasn't really trained
at all to use
anything lol! The breeder was lovely, but it was really manic round there! She didn't stand a chance of paper training them, so poor Suki hasn't got a clue :sigh: But we shall get there in the end
Nicki and Bex...you seriously would not believe what a relaxing day I've had...spent most of it on here actually!!!
Bess, Suki isn't the same puppy we brought home with us! She's completely full of energy, and eating 3 meals a day. I think she's grown too. It really didn't take long for her to adopt us lol!
Anyway, I may as well post my food for today while I'm here (it's pretty much the same as yesterdays as it's left overs) ...
SEx day

2% greek yoghurt with sweetener & some choc options mixed in (1)
250ml ss milk (A)
2 x wm toast
tinned toms
strawberries & greek yoghurt mix (1)
left over sw cannelloni (A)
salad cream (2)
fresh fruit and greek yoghurt mix (1)
fibre plus bar (B)
Total syns:- 5