Good evening ladies and Sarah
How's tricks for you all today then?
I was rather rudely awakened by Suki duki fluff ball at the crack of 7am so I snuck out with her without waking gorgeous hubby up and took her out for a lovely early walk :chores016: Suki is getting much better on the lead now, although she still likes to zig zag along some times and trip me up!
I took a cuppa up to Gwyn later on and found he'd woken up with a bit of a cold :sick: so we dosed him up on paracetamol. Infections are always a nuisance for him as he has a bad chest but hopefully this is just a simple cold and will be gone in a couple of days.
Then I had a look at Vicki's paperwork for her car as just before she went away for 2 weeks, she announced that her car would need MOT'ing while she was away and would we be so kind as to sort it for her???

So, after finding her paperwork, and discovering the MOT was due to run out TOMORROW

a hurried phone call was made to the garage and we were lucky enough to get booked in for 11.30 today.
We decided to take Suki with us and after dropping the car off we called into B&Q to have another look at the kitchen worktops and lawn mowers. I think we've more or less decided not to get granite after all but to get a good quality laminate. I do love the granite, but we could get so much more done if we go for a cheaper option.
Well the car passed its MOT thank goodness and on the way home we called into our local pet store to see if we could find something nice for Suki. It's quite a big barn full of all sorts of things for all types of pets, and poor Suki was quite overwhelmed by the different food smells in there! We came away with a bag of pigs inner ears and a knotted hide bone. She actually carried one of the ears out to the car bless her, and was still chewing it at home an hour later!
After lunch we went round to Shirleys to see if we could fit Dad's display cabinet in the car to bring to ours. Shirley is staying at one of her sons atm, but she asked if we wanted the cabinet as she felt it was too big, and we said yes. But it was too big to get in the car, so I'm hoping Dan's friend will move it in his van tomorrow for us.
We had a pretty late tea and now we're watching Dragons Den, soon to be followed by Hells Kitchen USA!!!
Todays food was EE
28g ready brek (part B)
250ml ss milk (A)
salmon salad
salad cream (2)
ryvita (rest of B)
butter (2)
stir fried chicken / veg
home made fried rice and peas
fresh pineapple
yoghurt (1)
options hot choc (2)
fibre plus bar (6)
Total syns:- 13