well we r all friends and we are all in the same boat so looks like u r in the right place!! best of luck. look forward to seeing u progress to a slim miniminer!
I m on my first week (second day actually) and I hope to loose, and if I do loose the mamout you have, well I will be chuffed! At least it is 3bls less to loose before you get to target! Did you weigh at the same time as last week? And did you have on the same clothes? Jeans can weigh upto 3lbs on thier own! Buddy up with me, and we can do this together my love! We can do it, you know we can! I am only on day 2, and although tonight I could have ate my sofa, I didn't, I know romorrow will be tough for me, but I hope I can stick it out just like you! Sorry to babble! I would start my own thread but don't know how! LOL! Janice x
Jeans .....WHAT ARE THEY???? Seriously havent worn them in years but I will again this year, and Im going to have the trendiest around.
Would love to buddy up and we help each other. Well done for getting to day 2, must admit that Im finding thinks easier this week than last if that helps you any
Thanks janice before you know it you will be posting your 1st weeks weigh in....if we all stick together through easy and tough days we will win in the end. Ive told my husband to start saving, just think no jeans in my wardrobe that will mean Ill have to get quite a few pairs