Ditching the diet coke for Chocolate tetras..

Hello, hope you are all well!
It's been 6 days since I was last on here! Had a tough week at home and too much going on to even think straight so just been concentrating on staying on track with the 1 thing I happen to be in control of for a change!!
Haven't cheated at all this week but because things been going on and a little bit of stress I have realised I haven't been drinking all my shakes, I have 5 shakes left over!! Under eat of almost 2days!!
3rd weigh in today and lost 3.5lbs!
Hope everyone is ok x
Hi Jade,
Cogratulations on the weight loss. You ahve done so well especially when you are having such a tough time at home. Well done !
k x
Hi all, been having a tough time at home so haven't had chance to come on here! My cousin passed away and it's all been abit tough, hit us all hard! But we are a big family and so so close we are pulling through!
I had my week 5 weigh yesterday as the start of getting back on track and lost 4lbs! Putting it down to stress as I haven't been sticking to this really or eating much at all! 1 more week of ss then moving up a step!
Hope all your journeys are going well
Hey everyone, so I just came back on here briefly looking for inspiration to stay on track. 3months after starting Cambridge diet I reached my target of 9st5 and am now pushing for a further 5lb loss! Hope all of the lovely people I met on my journey have continued to do well and succeed in their weight losses!
Much love x