Not dieting ATM!
Gi Diet: Day 9
Weight: 11st 8lb
Two slices of wholemeal toast and low fat spread.
Lowfat Yoghurt and Blackberries.
Jasmine Green Tea
Don't think I'm going to go to the gym today, will have a day of rest. Well actually a catch up day with the housework, it's local market this morning. Will take a look at the fruit and veg. Get some fresh fish and a cheap watch with alarm for DS1 as instructed by his cello teacher. Who refuses to fetch him from his class to give him his lesson. If he gets there late or forgets altogether he misses his lesson.
Not happy about it at all he misses enough of his lesson I want him to be able to concentrate when he's there. Oh well will give the watch a try I suppose.
Also need some birthday cards and to get my eyebrows shaped. Post some ebay parcels.
Will see how much I can get done I don't want to be out too long as so much to do at home. In fact would be more of a rest to go to the gym.:sigh:
Better get on with it all then.
Dizzy x
Weight: 11st 8lb
Two slices of wholemeal toast and low fat spread.
Lowfat Yoghurt and Blackberries.
Jasmine Green Tea
Don't think I'm going to go to the gym today, will have a day of rest. Well actually a catch up day with the housework, it's local market this morning. Will take a look at the fruit and veg. Get some fresh fish and a cheap watch with alarm for DS1 as instructed by his cello teacher. Who refuses to fetch him from his class to give him his lesson. If he gets there late or forgets altogether he misses his lesson.
Will see how much I can get done I don't want to be out too long as so much to do at home. In fact would be more of a rest to go to the gym.:sigh:
Better get on with it all then.
Dizzy x