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Ok so seeing as iv managed to go all Monica (from friends) about this diet i thought that aswell as writting it all down on paper so i can look at it al the end of the day and contantly looking through WW books i should make an online food diary, this way if i go wrong or make a mistake iv got everyones support! and plus if i go overboard iv got ppl to virtually shake the head and wave the finger at me! 
Number of Points i can have daily is 25
Bacon Roll (1 streaky bacon rasher, tom sauce and tiny bit of marg) 6 enjoyable points
Chicken&Veg Stir Fry (1 medium chicken breast, soy sauce) 4 1/2 Pionts
Burger in Roll (onions and tom sauce) 7 1/2 Points
50g Onion Rings 3 1/2 Points (Worth every point!!)
Rocky Caramel Bar (yummmmm) 2 1/2 Points
So there we go, thats my day! now i wish id saved the onion rings till later bcos i know im gna get the nibbles at about half 7, but i think il reach for some veg stir fry instead!
24 Points out of 25, not bad
Possibly not the most exciting food diary, but i know its here and that settles my crazy little mind
Number of Points i can have daily is 25
Bacon Roll (1 streaky bacon rasher, tom sauce and tiny bit of marg) 6 enjoyable points
Chicken&Veg Stir Fry (1 medium chicken breast, soy sauce) 4 1/2 Pionts
Burger in Roll (onions and tom sauce) 7 1/2 Points
50g Onion Rings 3 1/2 Points (Worth every point!!)
Rocky Caramel Bar (yummmmm) 2 1/2 Points
So there we go, thats my day! now i wish id saved the onion rings till later bcos i know im gna get the nibbles at about half 7, but i think il reach for some veg stir fry instead!
24 Points out of 25, not bad
Possibly not the most exciting food diary, but i know its here and that settles my crazy little mind