I'm going to mostly be using the red plan as I'm allergic to gluten and so can't eat pasta or bread, and have come up with a meal plan for a week that only uses one healthy extra (some extra light laughing cow triangles) on one of the days, and no syns at all. Is this good, or would it be better to include healthy extras every day, like a glass of skimmed milk for calcium or something. I don't have a lot of weight to lose (only between half a stone to a stone), so I thought if I could cut out as many carbs as possible it would help me to just lose that last little bit. However I just wanted to double check that this is ok to do, and whether it would actually help my weight loss to include a few carbs. I don't really want to use any syns unless I'm desperate for some chocolate or something, as I go out and drink alcohol once or twice a week so I'd rather save the syns for that 
Amber x
Amber x