Busy busy busy!!
AHHH they are gorgeous .. and so alike. Did you get the harness'?? Wilkinsons also do them - where I got my one for our baby from.
kitten harness, cat harness, Pet Supplies, Home Garden items at low prices on saw these on ebayI'll look in wilkinsons - pet superstore only had ones for cats. Thanks
My 2 boys are brothers and very affectionate .... especially big Craig - who thinks he's a dog! Carla is a "madam" in every sense of the word ... and is only affectionate if she wants to be - otherwise she's a right moo! My term of endearment for her is "Cowbags"!!!! She absolutely adores our hamster Babs .... who is her playmate!!!
Reply ---
Hi i just got my kitten tiggs and i want him to get use to my hamster Sandy - How did u do it?
He been looking at the cage but have not touch it!
I had him now for only two days and was thinking of letting them see each other soon! - Was going to put hamster in the ball to run around first! - (but it would be great to see them like your photo them so close to each other)
Well any ideas guys let me know !
Well, the boys came home from the vets somewhat sad and subdued... minus balls.
They didn't liven up until after 9 at night and I was very relieved. It was great to watch them careering all over the house, wrestling, yowling and carrying on again.
Jumper has taken to standing on the toilet seat peering in just as I want to sit on it. We share. He likes to drink the water in the toilet too. After I've flushed that is.
Despite op they are still humping each other (just after 5 this morning). Perhaps it is a juvenile thing.
Can't wait to see them after work today.
I would love to see how they react to a hamster, but I'm afraid they'd try and eat it!
AJ - how are you doing? No infection I hope.
The back of my hand is hot, swollen and the skin is tight. Despite that, I can drive, type and write (after a fashion). I am back at work today and managed fine. Tonight I went to see Joseph! at our local High School and discovered I could not clap!
So an update on my two (did you see their photos on the other thread?). Well, where to start? They don't have as many adventures as others I read about - or is it that I don't have the writing skills to share them?
Keto's nickname is now shitface because EVERY time he uses the litter tray he comes out covered in the litter from head to toe.
I have discovered a wonderful cat litter which is a type of crystal. It is marketed at owners to indoor cats and really does effectively mask odours completely.
Keto also somehow managed to get out of the garden this morning. But he is SOOO good that as soon as I call his name, no matter where he is, he comes running. I'd read that cats aren't like dogs and don't know their names - rubbish!
I don't know that my two know their names, but they do come when I call. I've trained them to come when I rattle their cat biscuit box too.
Keto also likes to lie down to eat his food every now and then - so he is now Shitface Ceaser Keto.
Didge - all I can say is he is adorable, loving, less neurotic than Keto (who, did I mention, has a plastic bag fetish!).
Does he sit in them? Oscar licks plastic bags...
I need to look up how long I've had them because very soon they will be able to be castrated - I hate to do it to them but it is for the best.
Yes, they are less likely to spray all over the house - a habit definitely to be avoided.
I have no funny stories. I just gush over them completely and they gush over me so they fill a gap in my life and in the absence of a man or a child, they give me the cuddles I love .
And what's wrong with that?
They are starting to irritate me with their pickiness with food though. Only wiskas oh so meaty (or whatever it is called) will do - or fresh baked trout (I thought I'd left it a bit long for me to eat so gave it to them). Sometimes I have to grab what is available and they turn their noses up at it. Waste of money. And I can't believe how much cat food they get through - didn't think it would cost so much.
Yes, I sympathise. It took me a while to find a brand they liked. At one point we had a huge selection of different types which we tried in turn. Eventually they chose Tesco sachets in gravy. I had to give away several packets of cat biscuits which they turned their noses up to.
So, that is me.