Do you look like your pet?

You two are funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

My doggies are sweet ... Dave (labrador 3 yrs old soon) and Dolly (yorkie 10 months old)

Lil sigh... ive no pets... and im not allowed a dog :( hubby says no and he wont look after it and clean its poop lol... so without guarenteed help i am afraid of the hard work ontop of a long days work already....

Id love a cute bundle of fluff though, a bison fraise... or similiar... one can hope i win the lotto, buy a pedigree and also a dog walker/ lookerafter lol...

Hi Amberstone --

I have a dog share! My 70 year old neighbour's daughter has 3 yorkies. The male inpreganted the two females within days of each other -- so there were 11 puppies (that survived). Anyway, Susan gave any of her family members a puppy that wanted one, and sold the others (keeping one for herself and fixing the male).
My neighbour wanted a puppy, her husband said, "No." They have two cats, a perfect garden (they spend all of their time in there working away), and like to bus trips with other retirees.

So, she comes to my house Monday through Friday at about 10 am and takes my dog for a walk. She keeps it when we are away, buys it littel gifts, feed it snacks, etc.

I "support" the dog. She sleeps at our house, etc. But, we are all pretty certan she'd rather be next door with "grandma" who spoils her. lol

It works well. You might see if there is someone in you rneighbourhood who likes to walk for fitness but can't have a dog because of a lease or expense or whatever reason.

BTW Yorkies do not shed, are very smart and housebreak easily, and if you get a bigger (not shown quality) one -- pretty healthy.

Agree about yorkies not shedding a GOD SEND!!!!! i love our little one.....and she was a dream to house train!!!! actually BETTER than our labrador!!!! amazing

She barks lots though :) lol
You do realise Tasha that MinnieMel will be coming along shortly to state all of the similarities between you and Bailey.
I am pleased that Bailey has made so many friends (32) and your avatar shows that you are popular too. See, first similarity detected, lol!
lol thanks :p There are a few pictures of bailey and Leah together on that myspace aswell. Of course bailey is 2 now not 7months old haha. Some more similarities is we both have really bad breath lol. xxx
Okay BB -- Here it goes... Tasha and Bailey both have lovely hair, beautiful teeht, cute ears, and dark eyes!

Tash, Can't go through the "forgot my password" "forgot my log-in" steps. Surely, you know the security question answers. I (unfortunately have to do this often... although I have FINALLY started recording my user name, passwords, etc in a log book). I'm very ADD -- like my dog! lol
