Doing it for my kids

LOL. Had to laugh at that. If i'd have known the things i'd have to do for my kids i might have had a rethink!!! :D

I love costco cakes - but like you said feeling those jeans looser on your tummy is better than feeling guilty and ruining all the effort by eating cake.

Something that helps me is thinking - when i get to goal i can have a bit of whatever i fancy but until then i'll just hang on.

Oh and you're definately not the only obsessive - my house is full of charts, graphs, lists etc etc etc. :)
Another 1.5lb lost and down into a whole new number of stones!! Whoo-hoo!! :D :D :D :D

Went to Sainsbury's to do the weekly shop today and walking past all that food really didn't bother me at all.

I'm in the CD zone and ready for the weekend - bring it on!!
:D :D :D :D
Really glad your in the zone girl. It sure is the coolest place to hang out!

Dizzy x
Well, I said I would be rubbish at keeping a diary up to date and I was right! :eek: :eek:

I've just had a read back at what I have written and it's really interesting to see how I was feeling back then, so I'm doing an update now but no promises to myself about how soon it will be before the next one!

Weight loss so far: official CD figure is 27.875lb in six weeks and three days. I'm adding on the five from Christmas to that though to get 32lb! :eek: :D OMG - this diet is fantastic!! :D :D I'm now back where I weighed when I started my current, stressful job. :) Another half a stone and I'll have lost the equivalent of DD, nearly three. :eek: (Tall for her age, not porky). I find that astonishing. She's too heavy to carry around for more than a few minutes, so to think I've been carrying that around with me all day every day :eek: is incredible.

Feeling cold: I've had some days when I just couldn't get warm at all:( , despite sitting next to a heater and wearing as many layers as I could while still managing to type (I'm a computer programmer). I even drank some coffee - yuck! :( However I've always been too hot in the past so I'm kind of enjoying the novelty. :) It's never lasted more than a couple of days and then I'm back to normal again. :D

Clothes: Well, the jeans I struggled to fasten at Christmas can now be taken off without needing to undo them! :D :D They are elasticated at the back :eek: so it's not quite as impressive as it sounds but I think it's pretty damn amazing! They'll start to fall down soon :eek: (I've already had to ditch one of my pairs of work trousers for this reason) so I think I'll buy one pair of the next size down and wear them constantly (with washing machine breaks, of course) since hopefully they won't be fitting for long. :cool:

Costco cake - I totally resisted. :D However it was somewhat taken out of my hands. The dozy idiot running the party cut the massive cake into 17 equal pieces and then tried to cram them into party bags. :mad: By the time I noticed what she was doing it was too late to tell her that party cakes are normally cut into little slices, not bricks! They also forgot to bring two meals which left one of the children in tears until her food arrived :mad: so I complained and got £10 off (paid for the cake!) and all the adult's drinks we free (another £15). So we didn't lose out financially but I don't think we'll be going there for DD's party next month!

Compliments - none! :rolleyes: (Except from DH :) ). The people at work know I'm doing this but I haven't had one 'well done' or 'you're looking thinnner'. My mum (not my favourite person anyway) limited herself to saying 'don't overdo it' when she came for the weekend so I thought I'd got off lightly. It was only after she left that DH told me she'd been going on at him in her typically Blanche Hunt (Coronation Street reference) kind of way: 'she'll be ill', 'what if she gets jaundice' (??!!)... :eek: He didn't tell me until she went because he knew I'd blow my top!!
The only reaction I've had is that my best friend (size 10, max) has gone on a diet. :confused: Oh well - what ever I do she always has to go one better. :rolleyes: She's still a good friend though.
I really don't care about all this though - I'm doing this for me, for my kids, for DH, for a longer life, for nicer clothes, to have a go at horseriding, to feel good when I swim with the kids.... There are hundreds of reasons and other people's approval or compliments are only a possible bonus.

AAM: I never realised brocolli tasted so great! I was worried that I would find it hard to go back to no food but actually it was easier... I had trouble fitting it all in and always ended up having to have my last half-pack at 9pm - not always willingly!
In fact, on the whole I've found the whole diet surprisingly easy. :) I've read enough posts (I'm just a lurker, really) to know that the chatterbox can strike at any time, that the last stone is when it gets tough and that if I have a break I might never manage to SS again, so I'm trying not be complacent and remembering that it wouldn't take long to put it all back on again. However I'm the kind of person that likes a food routine (I had the same sandwiches every day when I was in the sixth form) so this really suits me down to the ground. The only time I really want to eat is in social situations, but I've resisted so far - probably because with two small kids and an almost full-time job I don't get out very much. ;) :)
I think one of the reasons I haven't struggled very much yet is Mike's blog. Having read every word of that I felt totally informed and prepared for what it would be like, so all the bad bits have been so much easier to deal with than they would have otherwise. So: thanks Icemoose - you've added years to my life and made such a difference to how I feel about myself. :D :D :D

Climbing: We went to an indoor play place a couple of weeks ago and I was climbing around with DD. Well, suddenly we found ourselves in this really low section where she had to crawl. Before I knew it she'd gone off and I was left with no choice but to follow her, doing some kind of commando-style belly-on-the floor crawl. :eek: I was doing OK until I came to this bit where the you had to go up a slope and then back down over the other side. I thought I was going to be stuck there forever...:eek: :eek: :cry: I couldn't reach the top to pull myself up and I couldn't turn round. :eek: :eek: I had visions of the fire brigage having to come and dismantle the whole thing. :eek: :eek: Eventually (DD was crying by this time because she couldn't find me, and children were looking at me pityingly as they shimmied up the slope past me) I managed to drag myself up there and somehow (got no idea how) squeeze myself through the small gap at the other side. I then had to lay there gasping for a few minutes and thanking god that Fireman Sam hadn't been needed. :eek: :eek: :)
A few pounds and a couple of weeks earlier the cutting equipment would definitely have been required! ;)

Best purchase: Aerolatte from Whittards. Now I can have shakes at work - I find them more filling than the bars.

Well, I'd better go and do some work now.

If anyone reads this - sorry it was so long!! :)

Onwards and downwards!! :cool: :D
One journey finished, another begins...

Well, my prediction about being rubbish at keeping has been fulfilled :eek: – here I am at the end of my weight loss journey (and looking with some trepidation at the start of my maintenance journey) having written less than some people do in a single day! :eek::)
Here are some of my observations:
  • I’m sitting here in size 12 jeans :D (no elastic!) and they’re actually a bit loose. I still a size 16 on top though but that’s just because of my natural (now quite droopy :eek:) assets.
  • Now that I can eat food again I’ve had a nibble :ashamed0005: of a couple of things that aren’t actually mentioned in the 1200 plan (my current stage) and they don’t taste nearly as good as I remembered, so I really wasn’t missing much.
  • I had to stop eating the bars once I started eating food again because they gave me REALLY TERRIBLE WIND! :eek: This wasn’t too bad most of the time (I work from home a lot) but I had a migraine one day and the wind was agony. :cry:I was sat upright on a kitchen chair for most of the day, unable to slouch even a little bit. I called the chemist since they offer a home delivery service (there’s no way I could have driven) and a smirking lady :mad: brought me some deflatine but that didn’t help at all. By the time DH came home I couldn’t sit down any more due to the enormous pressure so I called NHS direct who suggested paracetamol. Doh! :doh: Why didn’t I think of that!? Within an hour I was feeling much better. :rolleyes: I think it was because migraines always give me a bit of an upset stomach and this must have combined with the wind and trapped it all in my confined spaces. I really miss the bars, but the pain was worse than contractions, so no more of them for me! :giveup:
  • I’ve had so many compliments – and from men too! ;) People who you think don’t notice anything apart from their spreadsheets and the footie results.
  • My kids didn’t notice the diet at all. :) :rolleyes: I used to get the occasional question like ‘is that your special snack?’ but I’ve more or less got away with doing this before it had any effect on their perception of food.
  • I love cooking! I started baking a couple of months ago and now I’ve progressed to savoury food too. It’s not anything that I can eat (yet) but I’m just really enjoying preparing it and having the energy to do it after a day at work or out with the kids. I think my colleagues are also enjoying it since there’s now way the family could eat the volume of baked goods that I come up with some weekends!
  • I’m finding the 1200 plan really hard. I know I love cooking now, but I don’t always have time to do it (or if I do, it’s after the time when we want to be eating) and I think the reason CD worked so well for me was that it didn’t require any thought or time. I’m trying my best though, being a bit creative with the meal suggestions and making sure my calories don’t go too high. It’s been several weeks now since I was on SS and I haven’t put anything on so I must be doing something OK. I am fully aware though that losing the weight is only a small part of the battle – now is when the hard work really starts, and it carries on forever.
  • The choice of clothes available to me now is quite bewildering. I’ve got a couple of bits just to keep me going but I spend so long just wandering around looking at all the stuff that I could buy that I usually run out of time. Still, it makes a very nice change from having to buy stuff just because that’s all I could find that would fit. I’m also starting to buy clothes that aren’t black! And I REALLY enjoy going into shops like Next knowing that people aren’t looking at me wondering why I’m in there….
  • I’ve had to find new sleeping positions since my bones now get in the way, but I don’t wake up with a stiff back any more.
  • Cottage cheese is lovely! Cucumber is also very nice! Two things I NEVER thought I would say before this crazy diet completely rebooted my tastebuds. I still can’t stand celery though.
  • Most people have been very complimentary. I’ve only had one (excluding my mother) person who said the usual ‘don’t overdo it, you’ll get ill’ and I think it’s because I used to be (by far) the fattest mum collecting from my daughter’s group at nursery and now it’s not really clear who gets that dubious honour – but definitely not me!
  • A BMI of 25 is surprisingly thin. I am shocked at how thin I had to look before I achieved it and at how many people around me at work at elsewhere are now obviously (to me) overweight.
  • My mum has actually changed her opinion of the diet, now that she can see that I haven’t dropped dead and actually have loads more energy left at the end of the day. She even manages to say nice things about how I look sometimes, even if they are mixed in with an occasional indignant ‘you’re thinner than me!’.My skin isn’t too bad, sag-wise. I’m hoping that it will be quite presentable after it’s had some recovery time. I’ll never wear a bikini but that’s really not my style anyway
I'll add some more if I think of them, but I've got to dash now. (You can probably tell where I ran out of time adding the emoticons... :rolleyes:)

I just want to finish with a massive

thank you!! :thankyou: to everyone on miminins. You kept me going when it got hard (even though you didn't know it because I'm such a lurker), and now I'm at a weight that I never thought I would achieve.

Hi Sam,

I started on Jan 2nd and the first time I was at goal on my CDCs scales was last week, but it's an evening WI which does add a few pounds. :)