Wow, well done Charl! It's amazing seeing numbers on the scales that you haven't seen for years

12lb to target is soooo close too. I've got 18lbs to go, would love to do it by christmas!
Tilly, have a fab hols!
Exercise does make you gain a little to start with but it's actually water that you're muscles are holding onto to repair themselves, I think! Once your body is used to it, the results are amazing.
Interview went well, even tho I nearly crashed the car before and got lost lol. They'll let me know today or monday, haven't decided if I want it or not. I had a mad dash to asda at 8am and bought some trousers and a top (size 12 and a vest top in a size 10!!!!!!!) which made me feel good.
Just gobbling down hotpot from last night as work in an hour.
Sending positive sw vibes to all
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