Hi everyone
I have just started SW today and am doing it at home.....I did it many years ago by going to a class but now it's not so easy to commit to a weekly class with the kids.
A friend of mine has sent me a loss of stuff on email and it looks like things haven't changed much, apart from the new Easy days.....which just seem too good to be true or am I missing something? You can eat unlimited red or green free foods, have two healthy extras and up to 15 sins???? and still lose weight?
Well I have around 1.5 stone to lose so hopefully I can achieve it.
Do you all use electronic scales? It can be difficult to see weight loss on the old traditional ones at times. My electronic scales broke a while back and I just have the traditional ones now...not sure whether to buy new electronic ones or just weigh myself, say, every 2 weeks instead - that way making it easier to see the weight loss.
Anyway, good luck to you all, hope your diets are going well