Simple answer is yes! I had a variation of 9lbs over a ten day period. 16st 6lbs up to 17st 1lbs and back to start weight on official WI day! (I changed WI days from a Monday to Thursday, missed a WI, rather than do two in the same week!)
ultrabluedress said:Brilliant weight losses guys...
Just wondering what type of exercise you guys do?,
I need something I can slot in here and there but keep up with during the school holidays, I thought if I got something established like that now it would be easy to stick to. At the moment I do zumba once a week and a couple of half hearted exercise dvds as and when. I'm going to join the local gym hopefully tomorrow, but as it's going to be free sessions as money is tight the times available are going to be absolute pants to manage during the school holidays so I know I won't be able to go regularly then. I love running got part way throught the couch to 5k programme then lost the plot during the easter holidays, so although I'm intending to pick it up again in the next week or so I know it is something else I can't stick with during the 6 weeks holiday other than the odd evening run..
I do have an exercise bike but it bores me using it, every minute seems like an hour even if I'm watching tv...
Thanks for the replies on the exercise front, the shred thing seems pretty popular, I've seen it mentioned on the site tons of times, so I will investigate it, I need something that works me else I'll get bored...
Vegan 4 life, those kettlebells are a killer, I've got them and found a dvd to use with it but they are so big and hard to hold that I'm scared it's going to fly out of my hands and smash the TV, plus I bought a kettlebell dvd and for some reason all the exercises are shown using a dumbell so it's not helpful to see if you are doing things correctly....
I remembered I brought the Zumba for the WII before I started classes and couldn't get on with it as I couldn't make sense of the moves, I'll have to try it again now I've been going for a year as it might make sensethen again maybe not I'm not the worlds most co ordinated person