Hi all, im new and have decided to do Slimming World from home, I have also joined the gym for the First time ever which is scary! I am down 19lb after 6 weeks and i love the fact that im not hungry or getting cravings.
The information provided on ths site is fab!
Subscribing hello
Ha ha ha
Just a food one so I can keep track of what I'm eating - or shouldn't be eating. I've not started a proper one as yet. I've read stuff about how you need to have made so many posts before it can't be googled etc so need to look into it more don't want to air my dirty laundry to the world
Blood covered princess - I like the cut of your jib - maybe that's where I've been going wrong all these years - I've been eating it instead of washing it - no wonder I've put on weight :sign0007: