3lbs off for me this week :)

welcome Andrea :wavey: staple foods for me are bananas, apples, and alpen light bars; those are what I go to if I need an easy snack, and what I take out with me so that I've always got something healthy to hand if I get hungry and don't get tempted by nice things in the shops! For meals I keep couscous in, wafer thin ham, lots of salad, a few of the SW frozen meals for those times when I need something quick and easy and don't have time to cook :)

Excellent result!! Well done Clair. :clap: xx
Thank you Pink :)
Well having not weighed myself since that fateful visit to the doctors, I don't know how much, but I know I've lost. I can get my ring back on and off again, my clothes are looser and the jelly belly overhang has shrunk appreciably. I'm not being strict with myself (so not following to the exact letter of the law) plus have been letting myself off the leash a bit at weekends-but I did have the Norovirus the other week which meant I wasn't eating very much of anything for 4 days.
Hi, I started SW four weeks ago and at weigh in this morning I'd lost 11lb. I do mainly Green days so didn't see the point in paying to be told to do Extra Easy. I don't weigh myself every week but am hoping to have lost a stone by the end of the month
Well done grey cat!!
Wish I'd known about slimming world earlier! Tried ww and didn't do so well.
People are finally starting to notice and ask if I've lost weight and nearly fall over when I say I've lost nearly 3.5stone. I've maintained since March so need to hit these short term goals and keep it going
Well done to both of you! Really inspirational!

Welcome to you too, Greycat. This site is totally amazing so, along with doing SW, plus all the support from here, I'm sure you will have reached your goal by the end of the month, no problem!

Good luck to you both. :)

Kathy x
Yep, I'm going solo and doing it alone. I'm not sure how it'll go as I like the accountability of being weighed in, but it's worth a try and I plan to use these forums to hold myself to account!
Hi, I started SW four weeks ago and at weigh in this morning I'd lost 11lb. I do mainly Green days so didn't see the point in paying to be told to do Extra Easy. I don't weigh myself every week but am hoping to have lost a stone by the end of the month 

Wow! You are good, only weighing in once a month. I am an impatient - every other day kind of girl. xx
You're good in lucky if I stick to weighing once a day lol! I found other people constantly losing more than me disheartening, everyone's individual but always felt I was a disappointment in group. This works much better for me, I hope!
Thanks Kathy - here's hoping. My appetite has disappeared at the moment as I'm feeling stressed because my old kitty isn't very well :-(
Gosh you're doing well with the losses too Pink. Well done you. If I weigh myself too often I become disheartened and impatient - not weighing in too often means I see big jumps on the scales (hopefully!) rather than little ones :)
Don't get me wrong I'm so far up the wall I can touch the ceiling, but I think it's something physical that keeps me on track, I can see it working, or know I need to try a bit harder. Lol we all have our coping strategies! X
Hi, am a newbie-again...been going to group since August last year, lost 1st 8lbs but put half a stone back on since Xmas, recently been ill for 2 weeks on 2 lots of antibiotics that have made me feel sick and bloated and crave carbs so much I just caved and been eating what I want...basically all the stuff that made me overweight in the first place!
Sooo...basically, still feeling poo and was going to go to group this morning to be weighed, posted in our group's FB page about it, 26 people saw it and no-one replied, I guess I threw my toys out of the pram a bit as I've left the group and decided to not go back...I mean, it's about support surely? If others posted like this I don't like to see that no-one has replied... (Still feeling ill doesn't help, bit over-sensitive, going to Tesco made me cry yesterday lol) y'all know how bonkers I am, I hope I can join you here and share a bit more success and support

Elaine xxx
Lol, welcome (she said quickly!) group never worked for me, I didn't feel like I was good enough so here I am! I'm just coming to the end of my first week and feeling so much more positive for not being compared to others! Good luck in your journey, I look forward to celebrating with you! Xx